by naturalgut

17 years, 9 months ago

Any chance of getting a look at the original Teaser Trailer?

by section33

17 years, 9 months ago

I’ve had a fair amount of requests to see it… so, me and the guys have agreed that whilst we are waiting for the other cast and crew to come back from there vacations, or the few new ones to finish Uni… we will finish the teaser off…
I’ll post the teaser up on the Evolution Pictures site when it’s done.

I’ll be putting up some more details on the film on the site as well (found in upcoming movies)

by Sayingkingkilla

17 years, 9 months ago

? Done a few wedding videos, and some presentation stuff in the past… This fanfilm is our first big project - But we arent just going to be doing fanfilms, I have a couple of Original films we're working on! on referenced on the site is Pub life… which we are going to make a short from and depending on feedback perhaps a longer film…

But one step at a time, gotta finish (well start again) GB:UK

Lol, I must have been drinking. I thought I read somewhere that your company did british tv shows and music videos :p

by maskedshuuyu

17 years, 9 months ago

I know we talk on MSN, but thought I'd say it here while I remember, if you want any help; camerawork, lighting, sound, acting, etc, I'll be more than willing to help (no doubt my director will jump at the chance to help in any way he can too).

I do own part of a uniform afterall

by Sayingkingkilla

17 years, 9 months ago

Wish I could help, I'm a bomb producer :p

by hanksta2

17 years, 9 months ago

Wish I could help, I'm a bomb producer :p

Why would they need bombs in a GB film? :p

by Boomerjinks

17 years, 9 months ago

Maybe he means “Bomb producer” as in he produces bombs… as in movies that bomb…

Maybe not a good idea!!

by Sayingkingkilla

17 years, 9 months ago

Wish I could help, I'm a bomb producer :p

Why would they need bombs in a GB film? :p

Maybe he means “Bomb producer” as in he produces bombs… as in movies that bomb…

Maybe not a good idea!!


*quickly runs out of thread*

by section33

17 years, 7 months ago

Hey guys sorry for the lack of updates…

We start filming in the next week or 2 just finishing up the new stroyboards atthe moment… (damn living in biggin hill whilst airshows on its pissin me right off!)

Any way in the meantime the few of us here were around from th gb:uk cast made a trailr for a contest unfortunatley we didnt have lighting equipment and stuff (and although not gb related i still ask people to check it out)

This trailer was made for Alamo Drafthouse's Unnecessary Sequel competition. It is the completely Unnecessary Sequel to one of the greatest Brit flicks of all time… Shaun of the Dead.

This was not the actual version we were looking to make but due to a crisis 2 cast members became unavailable during filming and subsequently changes had to be made due to time constraints for the competition, so we hope you enjoy this version of the trailer, and look out for the up coming Special Edition!

Four years ago the dead walked the earth! And one man, TRIED to become a hero! This summer… Destiny will make him one! Join Shaun, Ed and Di for the next chapter in the greatest Rom Zom Com series of all time! And just remember… If you're not dead… You won't… Lose your head


Nick Acott as Shaun

Gary Scullion as Ed


Hayley Weston as Di

Written, Directed, Edited and FX by Gary Scullion

Based on the characters created by Simon Pegg and Edgar Wright

by section33

17 years, 4 months ago

Hi guys, been busy recently so I haven’t had a chance to put any updates up, just thought I’d post up some snaps one of my guys took whilst we were filming last week…

Things are pretty hectic at the moment but expect more updates soon!