Ghostbusting device?

by Ghostbuster1984

22 years, 9 months ago

Hi Ghostheads!

Perhaps someday Bill Murray will agree to go ahead with our dream movie Ghostbusters III. Then maybe we will see this movie including a girl Ghostbuster! I also would enjoy seeing a new ghostbusting device. Change is good. So what would be cool to see the Ghostbusters using in Ghostbusters III?

1. The traditional proton packs

2. New customized proton packs

3. The traditional ghost traps

4. New customized ghost traps

5. The slime blower

6. A proton vac (ghost vac)

I personally think the proton packs and ghost traps would be great, but I would like to see a proton vac! It seems ghost vacs are popular today. For example, check out the Nintendo game “Luigi's Mansion.” You can see my self-styled proton vac on my site Ghostbusters Fascinating Facts! Just click on my profile and then click on the link. Enjoy!

by Ghostbuster4evr

22 years, 9 months ago

I think they could start off with the traditional look of the proton pack, then move into a customized version.