Ghostheads Episode Deux: GBN to sell 88mph litographs?

by Chad

16 years, 6 months ago

If the book finally goes to print, then that's great, fantastic… but pardon me if I don't hold my breath, I wasted a lot of faith on him.

GBN purchased the 88MPH overstock. Anything that is sold will come from GBN, not 88MPH Studios.

by Kingpin

16 years, 6 months ago


by castewar1

16 years, 6 months ago

To clarify the discussion (hopefully);

Chad has bought Seb's overstock - that includes all remaining printed copies of the comics, and the lithographs.

Ben is asking if the money paid for the overstock will be used by Seb to finish the publishing of the trade paperback. And the impression he got was that it might, but (and this is where the clarification comes in) Seb doesn't have the license anymore I don't think, which means even if he did get the book to print, there's a question of if he could sell it.

Chad's last statement basically means (or suggests - Chad, you need to and some extra sentences here and there - the mystery hype is mudding the waters) that anything past, present, or future involving the Legion books and art is in his hands. What the future holds, time will tell.

Does that help at all?

by Kingpin

16 years, 6 months ago

Thanks cas.

I'll extinguish that minor glimmer of hope now.

by castewar1

16 years, 6 months ago

Maybe more like, stick it in a drawer for awhile, forget it's there, and then one day soon, hopefully, when you least expect it and are looking for a rubber band or something, it flares up again.

by Chad

16 years, 6 months ago

Maybe more like, stick it in a drawer for awhile, forget it's there, and then one day soon, hopefully, when you least expect it and are looking for a rubber band or something, it flares up again.

Well said.

by JerseyDevil

16 years, 6 months ago

Maybe more like, stick it in a drawer for awhile, forget it's there, and then one day soon, hopefully, when you least expect it and are looking for a rubber band or something, it flares up again.

…like arthritis or a bowl?

by jesusfreak1

16 years, 6 months ago

I guess from now on, we'll release half of an important announcement at the start of the show and then tell everyone the exciting conclusion will come at the end, that way people will listen to the hwole thing! And not just lie to us, and kiss our butts! :p

by CaptainN

16 years, 6 months ago

Hey guys we are in the middle of preparation for episode 3 and we want to get you guys involved. Since the Comic-Con announcement is just days away we want to record your reactions and have them in the episode. So if you want to be in the next episode just send us an e-mail with the subject “ghosthead reaction” to ghostheadsgmailcom. And we will get it all setup.


by jesusfreak1

16 years, 5 months ago

So what happened to episode 3?

Well, our original idea kind of sort of got scrapped with the Comic-Con mishaps and going-ons. But that is not what has prevented you from once again hearing our scintillating voices!

Basically, I have been having a number of real life issues preventing us from recording. But! An episode will be put in the can this week and should be released next weekend. Once again, I apologize for this delay.