Ghostheads, It is time

by river_of_slime

21 years, 4 months ago

First off very well said. Second im not leaving if u havent notice “soul_man” hasnt log in at GBHQ forever and im not planing on loggin again. BTW u people nailed it on the head chad has repeatly said if u dont like then leave nothing is stopping you. Yes i have many friends here and i know im going to get more as the 20th anniversary appouches with the 88mph comic coming plus there products, then you got JL stuff coming, then u got ERTL coming, then on the top of that u got stuff that Sony might produce man this site and GBHQ will boom like it did when “IT” came along on Dec 31,2002. So So lets put are diffrences behind and just sock in Gb's as much as we can so it can come back like alot of old stuff has

by ajquick1

21 years, 4 months ago

by DocFritz

21 years, 4 months ago

Another eloquent post from Matthew. I hope everyone's listening to the man–I hope the fact that he stuck with Chad's party line longer than just about anyone adds some weight to his words.

Like him, the main reason I first came on GBN was because I love the Ghostbusters. I love the movies (especially the first one) and the cartoons (especially the J. Micheal Straczynski era). I'd been a dormant Ghosthead since XGB and Fox Family reruns of RGB went off the air–but upon discovering the internet a whole new world was opened up to me (I know that sounds corny, but not even I can be eloquent all the time :-) )

I was excited to learn that a Revival might be under way. A new comic book? Whoa, what great character designs this “El Diablo” came up with…

But deadline after deadline passed to find out more.

Rumblings of discontent began to become apparent. The first Big Fight I witnessed was the “Cartoon Franchise” battle that divided GBI.

Then May 1 and suddenly over a hundred pages of material just disappeared.

I suppose it is inevitable that politics and factionalism come into anything that involves human beings in large groups. We're social animals. We make friends and decide that some people we maybe not like as much. We disagree about things.

That's as true of me as anyone. I've made some great friends here (Dr. Riddle, Kingpin, Sinister, Brian Reilly, the whole GBWC crew) and there are people I..well, have disagreed with (You Know Who You Are).

It's been bad lately. The community has become more divided than ever. Two months ago there was only one Ghostbuster board. Now there's two. And that's not counting the GBI board and all the franchise boards springing up (Nightsquad of course predates even the fall of GBN)

Some of the battles have been ugly and divisive. From the almost cyclical back and forth about the leadership of this board to smaller, but no less intense fights (I'm as big an E/J partisan as anyone, and when called upon will argue the points, but you'll notice that I began to step out of it when the whole thing began to get very ugly and personal.)

But there is reason to hope, I think. The elections of Moderators is a positive event. And some of the leading candidates, I notice, are ones that have spoken about the problems in the past, and not just Mr. Paulson's friends. And there will be more moderators than there is now–a positive development. There is such a thing as too much, but I think the last few weeks have proven that what we have now is not enough.

There are problems, to be sure. And make no mistake–there will always be those keeping their eyes open.

Vote with your hearts and minds on the Moderator threads, people.

This place is still not a bad place to be. But let's do what we can to make it better.

by lordvego1

21 years, 4 months ago

Great ponits were made there, Matthew. You have a way with words that could make a man cry forever, no offense Brian. It's true that I have solved my problems with ProtonCharger, which is all because there was no reason to bicker and fight anymore. I had given in to him being better at insults than I, and besides, it got tired.

I used to be one of the people against Chad and such, but there is no reason for that anymore, I am like Zack now. Chad and I may have had our own problems in the past, but those really don't matter now since we don't really talk. I am here for the message board, the friends I have here, and because I like to talk about Ghostbusters. This is how everyone should really think.

It has become just a stupid thing with all the bickering that went on. This revival we all wanted is probably going to come within due time. I still go to the Nightsquad message board to curse my brain out and sometimes even critisize certain people. I, also will always be on the GBHQ boards because its the same as this: a place to talk about Ghostbusters with peers.

I don't really know what I was trying to get at with this post. Matthew, you made some great points. I would like to shamelessly plug something right here, now that I have the time. Vote LordVego for a Misc Guy, because he knows what's miscellaneous conversation, and what's just plain crap. He will keep spam off the board, and keep fun to an all time high. Thank you.

by brianreilly

21 years, 4 months ago

TI have no allegiance to Chad or to those who oppose him, I really don't care, I've become indifferent. I got really irritable just listening to the same things over and over from both sides. I thought hey, cryin' rhymes with Brian. :-) it was just a few days earlier I was complaining about the way things were run here. It was what I felt at the time, I'm honestly just tired of hearing about the politics of this site, period. I don't care what either side has to say, it's become that pointless to me. I'm the nice guy who makes everyone signatures pics, avatars, buddy icons, screenshots etc but I get pissed off too. I do stuff for other people because I wanted to. I'm not on any side but my own. I don't have the time anymore and don't want to be here if nothing but arguing is going on.

Fight for what you want to or think you have to but I really don't care, I don't want to be around here when it's like that. I have made lots of friends here and I don't need this site anymore to talk to them. My job has made me realize there's more to life than arguing about what goes on or what should go on here on this one message board. There's a whole world out there.

Slanderer! Actualy, in print, it's libel. LIBELER! Did that make sense?

Sorry you don't want to be around, Zack. I guess it all comes down to this, and don't take offense to this statement anyone:

Some of us have stronger convictions than others.

I can't stand it when I'm lied to, so I speak out. I think it's wrong, and I know a lot of people are afraid to speak out (yes, I've been told by many a Ghosthead), so I do it for them, because I'm not afraid. My reason? This isn't real life! This is a freakin' message board. The worst thing that can happen is that you would be banned. And really, it's not all that bad. In fact, I would say my first banning from GBN was one of the great experiences of my life. I made a ton of new friends because of it.

by GBinOrlando

21 years, 4 months ago

I would say my first banning from GBN was one of the great experiences of my life. I made a ton of new friends because of it.

preach it.

by brianreilly

21 years, 4 months ago

I would say my first banning from GBN was one of the great experiences of my life. I made a ton of new friends because of it.

preach it.

Praise the Lord and get yourself banned! Brothers, as an example, let me list all the great friends the Lord gave me during my banning:

-Bo Holbrook
-Jen Spengler
-Shades McPherson

Shall I go on, Ninja Master?

by Ectoslimeguy49

21 years, 4 months ago


Thank you for dragging my sorry ass back here and making me respond to this post…lol. Anyway Riddle's right. The clownshoes and everything has got to go. It has gone and it should stay gone. Screw the system!

To every person that replied to this thread…God Bless You….Every one…

<Cues Music Again>


by ChrisSpade

21 years, 4 months ago

Um…Yeah, I came online and found that I had a private Message, then i was linked to here, I read it all.

Good job amigo. Good job. You pointed out the fact that is most important, if you dont like the way things are, find somewhere else. Excellent, and I agree, choose mods who you know are gonna kick arse at there jobs. That way, the community will be better for everyone, knowing there is security here. well, thats all, great post, later :-)

by GBinOrlando

21 years, 4 months ago
