Ghosts of GB3

by reaper1

19 years, 3 months ago

In GB1 and 2 the boys battle an entire menagerie of different specters and spooks throught the movie until they get to the main villian at the end. In my script I have them fighting two very famous demons…The Jersey Devil and The Grim Reaper, along with an electricity ghoul and a frat house spook, until they get to Sam Hain. What are your thoughts on this, what are your ideas for different ghosts?


19 years, 3 months ago

In my GB3 I got them fighting a demon who has a more proactive role in screwing with the GBs and they got 3 days to find a way to beat him.

by Kingpin

19 years, 3 months ago

Would the Grim Reaper be a menvolent entity or actually be going after the guys?

by Peter_Randall

19 years, 3 months ago

If you bust the Grim Reaper you end up with a world without death. Therefore I like to steer clear. No peril the Ghostbusters would ever face would have the threat of mortal danger.

by dr.wdiaz

19 years, 3 months ago

but what if they fight the devil at the end of the movie and during the movie they get called to do some exorcisms with the slime blower.then they have a ew demons to fight and then towards the end all the dead come up including ghosts demons zombies, trolls everything, and the only way to save the city and the world is to defeat satin and send his army back to hell. (*peter)

by Para-psychology_doc

19 years, 3 months ago

Its funny you mention excorsism by slime-blower, lol, I wrote an Evil Dead/ Ghostbusters crossover and in the book, they free several people (including Ray) from possession like that. Basically it goes like this…

1: Shoot person with slime blower
2: Snag Released Evil Dead demon with Proton pack
3: Trap it

by newrecruit1

19 years, 2 months ago

In my GB3, I wish only specters, ghosts, souls, or souls who looks like demons (the more evil you are, the more evil you look). I don't want someting with too much fantasy. I want to keep it real. I mean, they say we have a soul, so why doing monster or alien? Only the bad guy can be flesh and blood. Rotten? I don't mind. But I want something close to what people think. If slimers are made from negative energy, I can work with that. But I don't like something too much out of this world, like they did in rgb.

by BustersoftheG-H-O-S-T

19 years, 2 months ago

i say we pit the ghostbusters against poweful ghpsts like the headless horseman and ressurection mary

by bubbles13

19 years, 2 months ago

I have them fight the ghosts in the original Scooby Doo cartoons from the 60s and 70s. Once they realize the ghost was actually a real person, it becomes a political Tom Clancy thriller. Ok I just should stop at the Scooby Doo part.

by J.Grant

19 years ago

The idea for the movie “GB3” sounds a lot like the 2004 book called “Ghostbusters return”. the premise is that they fight someone in hell and everyone goes nuts.

Resembelence? I think not :-)