Ghosts you wanna see in Ghostbusters:The Video Game

by robbritton

17 years, 1 month ago

I want to bust Pipes from BBC's Ghostwatch - I owe him some karmic psychological retribution! Put him in there!

by KittyKatGhost

17 years ago

A level on the Titanic and locomotive ghost vehicles from Ghostbusters 2 would be interesting. You'd have to finish off the level by trapping the actual level that you've been working your way through.
then the titanic dissaperes and you fall into the water and face the fisher man oh and also FREDDY KRUGER i know it sounds like a corny idea but i would love to see freddy haunting the main players dreams and you bust him then you wake up and see a trap laying in the middle of the room you pick it up put it into the contanment unit and it says what ghost yopu busted and it says you have busted freddy kruger them the main player is like :-O

by Dreamstalker

17 years ago

But no fight against the titanic's victims! Didn't they returned “home”, in GB2? To make the GB fight them will create a weird taste in the game… the only scene that may fit, to my opinion, is in a simple house, where a lost soul (a titanic passenger) still think that he is home. The player will have the choice between a friendly approach or an hell of a fight against the “good” spirit.
That's how I always saw it. Outright pest, get rid of it. If it's determined that the ghost is trying to escape something (a la original concept for the Terror Dogs) and isn't actually attacking anyone, help them if possible.
A level on the Titanic and locomotive ghost vehicles from Ghostbusters 2 would be interesting.
One niggle there: if the ship is spectral (thus insubstantial), there would be no way to actually stand on the deck.
CTHULHU! God of insanity! Ancient and powerful being!
Oh HELL yeah. And/or Hastur (that would be fun, maybe introduced through a copy of The King In Yellow–play that was rumored to drive the readers, audience and actors insane), Nyarlathotep, etc.

by matthew1

17 years ago

How about ghosts from the Kenner series of RGB action figures. Sludge Bucket, Granny Gross, Bug Eye etc etc That would be great!

by ghostbusters2131

17 years ago

I find the Kenner ghosts kinda kiddies… not serious enough for the game.

by DocFritz

17 years ago

How about ghosts from the Kenner series of RGB action figures. Sludge Bucket, Granny Gross, Bug Eye etc etc That would be great!

Fearsome Flush, Man. We'll find out what Winston really meant when he said he saw 'Shit that would turn you white!!!"

by PeterVenkmen

17 years ago

I find the Kenner ghosts kinda kiddies… not serious enough for the game.

Well the toyline was made for kids.

by matthew1

17 years ago

I find the Kenner ghosts kinda kiddies… not serious enough for the game.

And slimer isn't?

Ghosts from the toyline would be a great addition to the game, though they would need to be slightly modified. You have to realise that in the Ghostbusters universe a ghost can look like absolutely anything. That's one of the things I love about it.

by ghostbusters2131

17 years ago

I find the Kenner ghosts kinda kiddies… not serious enough for the game.

And slimer isn't?
I couldn´t think of Slimer as a Kenner ghost, since he appeared first at the movie.

Ghosts from the toyline would be a great addition to the game, though they would need to be slightly modified. You have to realise that in the Ghostbusters universe a ghost can look like absolutely anything. That's one of the things I love about it.
Exactly… just like the ghost that came up from the subway at GB1.

by Nix

17 years ago

Doc Fritz
How about ghosts from the Kenner series of RGB action figures. Sludge Bucket, Granny Gross, Bug Eye etc etc That would be great!

Fearsome Flush, Man. We'll find out what Robin really meant when he said 'Holy shit, Batman!!!"

Fixed that for you…