Ghosts you wanna see in Ghostbusters:The Video Game

by StaypuftX

17 years ago

Cthulhu would be fun. But something of that magnitude, he'd HAVE to be the final boss of the game. That or a special secret battle or something.

But even then it'd probably drive alotta hardcore Lovecraftians up a wall to see him getting bested by the Ghostbusters…. again. :p

I just hope that shark ghost, from the concept art, makes it in. That looks sweet. :-)

by matthew1

17 years ago

Actually one of the artwork peices shows a sqid-like monster with tenticles which I think is probablt Cathulu.

I've also noticed that there's a picture of a Valkery from A Fright at the Opera. If this ghost appears in the game it means that there'll probably be a level set in an opera house too.

by eatingfood1

17 years ago

I just wanna see something rely messed up, and scary.

by Nix

17 years ago

I just wanna see something rely messed up, and scary.

You mean a level where there's a ghost possessing computers, and the “new Ghostbuster” has to journey through the Internet in order to find and bust it…but unfortunately he ends up here, at GBCentral.

Even worse, I'm online and posting at the moment.

by JamesCGamora

17 years ago

I would love to see an Incarnation of Samhain. Samhain was one of my more favorite of re-occuring ghosts in the RGB universe…and IMHO one of the most under used.

I just thought even as a kid that there was so much more they could have done with the incarnation of Halloween. Also his second appearance sucked.

by robertknippels1

17 years ago

I hope that there wil be a lot of suspence in it. Sometimes the knowlede that there is a ghost by seeing trails of slime and furniture moving, sounds and unexpected things that happened is more interesting then seeing the ghost allready.

I've read somewhere that we will get a look into the ecto containment unit. I am really curious how the containment unit will look like.

Maybe some invisible ghosts would be funny then we can use the ecto goggless.

Best regards,


by OniellFord

17 years ago

The Ghosts I want to bust in the game are:

1. Stay Puft Marshmallow Man (*_*)
2. Gozer The Gozarian
3. Vigo, Scourge of Carpathia (I want to shoot at his painting to shut him up not bust him)
4. Librarian Ghost
5. The Dinosaur Ghost from GBII
6. Slimer :-O
7. The Terror Dogs AKA Zuul and Vinz
8. The Scholeri Brothers

The Ghosts I want to see in the game with the possibility of busting are:

1. Cthulhu
2. The 1954 Godzilla's Ghost (As a joke or homage to the proposed “Godzilla vs. Godzilla” movie)
3. Zilla AKA American Godzilla's Ghost. I would love to bust his butt into the CU since I hate the American Godzilla! :-@ :@ (o_O)
4. Luke Shifer/Lou Sifer/Lucifer from the script of “Ghostbusters Go To Hell”
5. Donald Trump or his hair as a Ghost :p

by robertknippels1

17 years ago

I allready saw a picture of a giant shark ghost in it. I would love to bust that shark. Ghostbusters vs jaws…great!!!

Best regards,


by OniellFord

17 years ago

Yeah, it'll be hilarius and cool. I can imagen busting the Ghost Shark while the Ghost Fisherman guy is trying to catch it with his really busted up Fishing Pole. He'll be one desperate dude. :-)

by Kalonthar

17 years ago

I could imagine trying to bust Babe Ruth at Yankee Stadium while the crowd boos you just like in that old Ghostbusters 3 script. Not that I want to see that, its just something I could imagine. You know, thinking about that, it actually would be cool to have Yankee Stadium as a lvl (I'm not a fan of the Yankees, but that doesn't mean I don't consider the stadium to be an historical place). I'm trying to think of a cool ghost that would fit into such a lvl but nothing is coming to mind.

Going off-topic for a sec since I brought it up, but does anyone happen to have that script somewhere on their computer? I rather enjoyed it.

Wait, I know what we need to fight… A giant supernatural twinkie (35 feet long weighing 600 pounds to be exact).