Ghosts you wanna see in Ghostbusters:The Video Game

by Term180

16 years, 12 months ago

You said it all when you said Stay Puft
When I saw that screenshot for the game I, literally, drooled.

I remember on the Sega Master System he kinda hopped back and forth and you had to carefully take him out, saving enough Ghostbusters for the much harder battle to come afterward (or wind up dying, writing down your password, using the money you'd accumulated to buy a really cool, fast car and the best equipment-that was fun, that's why the SMS is still my current favorite Ghostbusters game, at least until the next-gen one which is automatically my favorite just for having been voiced/written by the stars themselves)

And the Sega Genesis I remember him ominously looking through the windows as you're climbing up the building.

The Librarian ghost would be nice, maybe the entire library itself (carefully proceeding through an area with books flying off shelves and bookcases falling)

The Scoleri Brothers from Ghostbusters 2 I'd definitely like to see, or while I'm talking about GB2, Vigo the Scourge of Carpathia.
I'd definitely like to see some original manifestations from the emotionally-reactive slime ala Ghostbusters 2 as well.

Obviously, I'd like to see some Ghostbusters 2 thrown in there…
I'm still dancin' to Bobby Brown's “On Our Own” from the soundtrack every chance I get

by Kingpin

16 years, 12 months ago

The Librarian ghost would be nice, maybe the entire library itself (carefully proceeding through an area with books flying off shelves and bookcases falling)


Seen any of the screenshots lately? (*peter) The Librarian Ghost is one of the main chostly characters.

Vigo the Scourge of Carpathia.
I'd definitely like to see some original manifestations from the emotionally-reactive slime ala Ghostbusters 2 as well.

Conflicting reports suggest he's also gonna be in the game. And the game honors Ghostbusters II by making the car take a lot of design cues from how it was revamped as the Ecto-1A.

by eatingfood1

16 years, 11 months ago

Some thing rely messed up. getting some pay back on the library ghost. maybe one of the guys taken over by a demon. The Sphinx, from EGB. another cool thing is maybe later in the game, :-O helps the ghostbusters out, and than they decide NOT to to trap him and let him go. Peck gets alot more slime dumped on him lol.

by JediGrandMaster

16 years, 11 months ago

I would deffinetly like to see Samhain and/or the Boogeman make an appearence in the game. And although I wouldn't want them in this game, I would love for the Ghostbusters to go head to head with the Peoplebusters sometime.

by gbray1

16 years, 11 months ago

OK the chinchilla coat

one of the guys on a bust to a old house opens a closets or something and out it flays lol it would scare the heck out of me

and the Dino ghost could be at a museum or something who knows

by matthew1

16 years, 11 months ago

how about busting the ghost from the ghostbusters no ghost logo! He could be a kind of special hard to catch bonus ghost or something. Maybe there could be lots of them dotted thoughout the game and you gotta catch em all like pokemon.

by Mjollnir

16 years, 11 months ago

Nah. That'd probably be some sort of token you'd have to collect to get bonus material, like production designs and behind the scenes videos.

I'd like to see some other spectral creatures in this game like vamps and were wolves as well as ghosts of various shapes, sizes and abilities.

by OniellFord

16 years, 11 months ago

I'd like to see some other spectral creatures in this game like vamps and were wolves as well as ghosts of various shapes, sizes and abilities.

If there is going to be Vampires in the game, maybe they can make the chief/boss of the Vampires be voiced by and designed after David Bowie? :p :-)

by gbray1

16 years, 11 months ago

lol mod him after the character he played in the hunger lol

but i would like to see the ghost defence response like in the first movie

aka get her

by Nix

16 years, 10 months ago

I'd like to see the Water Demon from one of the NOW Comics issues. I thought that thing was particularly well-done, with the big tidal wave gaining mouth and eyes from the water itself. A rare case of an anthropomorphic ghost being justified, if you ask me.