Ghosts you wanna see in Ghostbusters:The Video Game

by austinthe5thgb

16 years, 7 months ago

im telling ya ive seen a pic of him maybe i dreamed it :-)

by JamesCGamora

16 years, 7 months ago

I dunno really. I realize that the character, as far as Ghostbusters is concerned, is spelled Samhain; but I have always thought that Samhuinne (the name of the feast) looked better compared to Samhain (the name of the Festival). Samhain to me seems too much like someone's name…where Samhuinne looks more fitting for the Embodiment of Halloween. To each there own I guess…to each there own…

by Kingpin

16 years, 7 months ago

im telling ya ive seen a pic of him maybe i dreamed it :-)

Um… okay. (*peter)

by Nix

16 years, 7 months ago

I dunno really. I realize that the character, as far as Ghostbusters is concerned, is spelled Samhain; but I have always thought that Samhuinne (the name of the feast) looked better compared to Samhain (the name of the Festival). Samhain to me seems too much like someone's name…where Samhuinne looks more fitting for the Embodiment of Halloween. To each there own I guess…to each there own…

First of all, he's called “Sam Hain” in the GB World. A given name, and a surname–at least, that's what I'm accustomed to.

Second of all, I think that might be something like a “stage name”, and his name really is Samhuinne, but he doesn't like it when people mispronounce it as “Sam Hunny” (or something of that nature ), so he spells it like it's pronounced. And then, of course, we can blame Tobin's Spirit Guide's rather anal spell-check for not accepting “Samhain” and separating it into the more familiar “Sam Hain”.

Even with all the confusion over names, he's still a really cool villain.

by JamesCGamora

16 years, 7 months ago

I have always had a problem calling Samhain as Sam Hain. Everytime I say his name it's a force of habit to pronounce it like the festival in which he was named after Sah-win.
But like I said earlier…to each thier own.

Indeed he has always been my favorite of the RGB entities..(though I dislike how he was treated in his second appearance.

by newrecruit1

16 years ago

How about a “PyroGhost”. It's a small ghost, colored red, the size of a watermelon, no arms, no legs, only eyes and a grin in a burning aura. He's not agressive, but easily scared, and likes to make people scream. The problem is, each time he appears in a room, his aura burns the object in contact with; it starts with little smoke, a burning smell, and then a small fire if nothing is done.

He took a building made of six appartments, as a home. The building has three floors, with two appartments made side by side on each level, connected to a stairs. From left to right, down to above, appartment #1 has zero resident, #2 has only one, #3 has three, #4 has zero, #5 has one and #6 has two. Each appartments have six rooms.

The residents are not happy and stay in their appartment to help the player; they walk to one room and wait before going to another, searching for any ghost activity. The ghost has a strange energy and the pke can only detect him when the player enters the same appartment where he is.

The ghost's actions are simple; he appears in one room, flies in it during a short moment and disapear. When a resident is in that room, the person screams and runs to the next appartment; he stays there a moment before returning home. Guided by the sound, the player will need to hurry to the right place if he wants to find the ghost. The player works alone in this mission but he has a partner outside in Ecto-1 who scans the place; with the radio, he tells the player if the ghost energy is stronger on the left or right part of the building, at this moment.

The player must also find the room where the ghost was to extinguish the object that may be on fire, using the slime tether. When returning home, the residents use their own fire extinguisher if the player was not there in time; leaving a trace telling that the ghost was here. If the fire reaches to other objects, the resident of the appartment will run outside, screaming at the player to do something about it.

The goal is to not let the place fall to a critical level to call the firefighters and trap the ghost.

When the player finds him, the ghost won't attack; he'll try to escape instead, flying rapidly around the room to confuse the player and make him miss. When the player holds him in the particle stream, he'll need to move the ghost outside the window, his partner will hold it after from outside. The player must then hurry outside to put the trap on ground, hold the ghost above it and capture it before he escape.

I think it can do a nice bonus stage in the game.

I don't know why but it was in my dream last night.

by IrieMangaStudios

16 years ago

Half the time I hoping they would throw in the creatures and ghosts from Capcom's Devil May Cry series… DMC3 had one that looked similar to a Terrordog that could speak and stood upright half the time… Would enjoy taunting and trapping that one.

by JamesCGamora

16 years ago

Beowulf was indeed an interesting demon design in that game. Me an my girlfriend loved the fact they tried to give him angelic wings harking back to the Judio-Christian origins of demons in general. Definately would be intersting to see a ghost or creature of similiar design in the Ghostbusters game though personally I think it would be a little out of place.

by ScottSommer

16 years ago

I think it can do a nice bonus stage in the game.

I don't know why but it was in my dream last night.

Even though that level sounds very well thought out, it sounds like it would get annoying after a while.

Especially the part where I might have to check all the rooms in order find one little small ghost.

I want to see the boogyman be in this game. I want to bust him like in the cartoon. Even if it isn't canon, it would be fun.

by newrecruit1

16 years ago

I remember playing Grim Fandango in the past, there was that level where you move with an arrow in your hands to find the road in the forest; took me sometime to understand it was pointing the ground… I was tired but had a good laugh; if the residents in the building are correctly programmed and the ghost not too mean against the player, I'm sure the result can be interesting.

And the stairs, why not add stamina to slow the player down a bit if he's running everywhere; you have a partner outside to help you with a scan, the resisdents inside informing you, the pke, and all the noise this ghost can make; a strategic game where you need to analyse a minute before moving can make things amusing.