Ghosts you wanna see in Ghostbusters:The Video Game

by demonaz

16 years ago

Freddy Krueger cameo

by ScottSommer

16 years ago

Better yet Beetlejuice.

by ronal_052

16 years ago

i want to see the scaleri brothers, i hope they gonna be in the game

by Ghostbuster-Adem

16 years ago

I don't know why, but I've wonder what it would have felt like to bust Drool the Dog-Faced goblin! I know he's innocent and saved the boys but I can picture the bust being funny and entertaining in all sorts of ways haha, that or the shapshifter who they mistaked for Drool, what his name though?

by Extreme_gb4evr

16 years ago

how about the train in GB2, or the knock knock door from RGB, and maybe Charles Foster Hurst? ROSE BUD!!!!

by ilikethecoke

16 years ago

Boogeyman, Scoleri Bros., and Ivo Shandor. I want to know more of his backstory.

by austinthe5thgb

16 years ago

so heres what im thinking, the ghostbusters find out ivo has many portal buildings, bringing back vigo and gozer who are pissed off about how the ghostbusters kicked that ass, but there is a even more powerful entity in the form of purhaps lucifer. i say this because if u remember back in 2000 when there was alot of talk of ghostbusters 3 and 4 hell on earth that was the plot. and i just read the new dev blog stating that they used that script but not all of it so i could see the hell on earth scenario. all i say is bring it lucifer ill kick that butt for god.

by Whisk

16 years ago

some form of the terror dogs, vigo, scoleri bros, samhein, boogeyman, the fur coat, undead taxicab driver, subway ghost just to name a few.

wishful thinking on some of those but oh well. :-)

by PeopleBusters

16 years ago

New to the site But some ghost I would love to see are the PeopleBusters form RGB Flip Side or just ghost of the ghostbusters just like in RGB Citizen Ghost.

by lionheart1

16 years ago

I'm just hoping for Murray the Mantis during the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade part. That would make me laugh forever.