Ghosts you wanna see in Ghostbusters:The Video Game

by scott.herring

16 years ago

New to the site But some ghost I would love to see are the PeopleBusters form RGB Flip Side or just ghost of the ghostbusters just like in RGB Citizen Ghost.

The Ghostbusters in Citizen Ghost would be very, very cool…. That would be my ultimate!

by Nix

16 years ago

how about the train in GB2, or the knock knock door from RGB, and maybe Charles Foster Hearse? ROSE BUD!!!!

Fixed that for you, and maybe one day we will get to bust him in another game.

Hey, I've got an idea: why not the Bus Driver ghost from the same episode, the one whose appetite (and horrendous breath) rivals that of Slimer?

by doctorvenkman1

16 years ago

For me, I'm not so sure that I'd like to see too many ghosts we've already seen. I want the game to play like a new experience, not something that we've seen before but now get to play.

We already have the Librarian, Stay-Puft, Slimer, Vigo, Gozer, and possibly the Scolari Brothers… much more and I feel like the game would just play like you're playing the events of Ghostbusters I and II.

by PeopleBusters

16 years ago

I do agree with you Venkman on that point. I would love to see alot of new things and i am sure we will. Its just i would love to see some of my old favs as well.

by doctorvenkman1

16 years ago

I do agree with you Venkman on that point. I would love to see alot of new things and i am sure we will. Its just i would love to see some of my old favs as well.

Understandably so… I'm very excited for the Stay Puft level, and also to see how Gozer is worked into the game (Vigo too).

And then I'm excited for all the new stuff I expect them to throw at us as well.

by PeopleBusters

16 years ago

Stay puff level will be great.i just want to be covered in the big guy if he blows up again (*_*)(;_

by Ectoman57

16 years ago

Stay puff level will be great.i just want to be covered in the big guy if he blows up again (*_*)(;_

I wonder if he is gonna blow up…. i was thinking that egon makes some kind of “super trap” to catch the big guy, maybe somthing like when they caught the bird of kildarvy in RGB, that way they could have him in the containment unit for the future things that would occur in RGB, that way they could tie them togehter without using RGB directly. what do u guys think?

by mdp872105

16 years ago

Sadly I'm pretty sure he blows up because they have some screen shots of him splattered everywhere

by RoastedZuul

16 years ago

Well…of all the “spirits”, “spooks” and ESPECIALLY “spectres”…is there any BIGGER than The GB 3 Rumor?" Like to get THAT puppy in the Containment Unit for a good, close, long look.:-O

by PeopleBusters

16 years ago

There is another ghost i would like to see it was form RGB slimer come home the big poltergeist that used other ghost to give him power. The reason i would like to see that ghost is because he almost couldnt fit in the trap and i think it would make a cool cut sceen of the ghostbusters trying to get back to the fire house before he can escape the trap