Ghosts you wanna see in Ghostbusters:The Video Game

by ilikethecoke

15 years, 11 months ago

Like the topic say…What Ghost or monster do you wanna se in the Ghostbusters:The Video Game? Myself i wanna see Vigo and The Boogeyman (^_^)

I want to fight ghosts that represent the 7 Deadly Sins!

That'd be awesome!

by PeopleBusters

15 years, 11 months ago

I dont know if this has been brought up but slimer is a small ghost in the game yet in the second film slimer is really big. If the game does take place after the second film would that mean slimer should still be big?:-O

by Nix

15 years, 11 months ago

Well…of all the “spirits”, “spooks” and ESPECIALLY “spectres”…is there any BIGGER than The GB 3 Rumor?" Like to get THAT puppy in the Containment Unit for a good, close, long look.:-O

Well, yes. There's the ghost of Kevin McClory, which, if dealt with properly once and for all, will ensure that James Bond will finally be able to go up against SPECTRE in future video games, rather than cheap knock-offs like OCTOPUS (From Russia With Love, I'm looking at you!)

by ilikethecoke

15 years, 11 months ago

I dont know if this has been brought up but slimer is a small ghost in the game yet in the second film slimer is really big. If the game does take place after the second film would that mean slimer should still be big?:-O

There could be more than one Slimer-type ghost, or the more logical explanation would be he stayed away from the Sedgewick Hotel for so long he lost all the weight that made him huge in GB2.

by PeopleBusters

15 years, 11 months ago

Well maybe there are more then 1 slimer type ghost but i would like to think that slimer in the first film and the slimer in the second film are the same ghost but maybe this slimer in the game is another slimer ghost or maybe i am just looking into to this all way to much. If it is a different slimer i wanna know what happen to the big slimer maybe he went to live with louis lol.:-)

by skankerzero

15 years, 11 months ago

Well maybe there are more then 1 slimer type ghost but i would like to think that slimer in the first film and the slimer in the second film are the same ghost but maybe this slimer in the game is another slimer ghost or maybe i am just looking into to this all way to much. If it is a different slimer i wanna know what happen to the big slimer maybe he went to live with louis lol.:-)

you're reading too much into it.

they only made him bigger in the second movie to appeal to kids more. simple as that. he's the same ghost.

by GuyCC

15 years, 11 months ago

I hope they have Vigo, because HE IS VIGO, and we are like the buzzing of flies to him!

by ScottSommer

15 years, 11 months ago

OMG GuyCC….I laugh so hard everytime I hear that line. It's the accent that reminds me.


by GuyCC

15 years, 11 months ago

Scott Sommer;137339
OMG GuyCC….I laugh so hard everytime I hear that line. It's the accent that reminds me.


I know, right? Every time there is Vigo boasting in GB2, it just warms my heart a little more.

Not a ghost, but I still want Janosz Poha to make an appearance. Maybe in a psych ward still ranting awesome phrases due to post-Vigo stress.

A fellow can dream….