Ghosts you wanna see in Ghostbusters:The Video Game

by GBRob

17 years, 3 months ago

The “dinosaur” ghost from GBII.

by JonathanArcher

17 years, 3 months ago

The “dinosaur” ghost from GBII.

Dinosaur ghost? I must've missed that one.

I'd love to see the coat, that coat was awesome.

by mdp872105

17 years, 3 months ago

How about the ghostbusters on the Titanic. I think that could be pretty neat.

(Better late then never)

by muthapussbucket1

17 years, 3 months ago

I really don't think we're going to get any of the ghosts from RGB and EGB.

I do like the park bench idea though.

by ecto_plasmic1

17 years, 3 months ago

just an idea.. Ghosts of the 300 Spartans? lol. :-)

by muthapussbucket1

17 years, 3 months ago

To be fair, they died in battle, so they were good on the whole unfinished business thing.

But our GBs wouldn't stand a chance!

by DarkfireTaimatsu

17 years, 3 months ago

Jonathan Archer
The “dinosaur” ghost from GBII.

Dinosaur ghost? I must've missed that one.

I'd love to see the coat, that coat was awesome.
Twas one of the calls the police were receiving in one scene. “Was it a big dinosaur or a little one? Oh, just a skeleton. Well, which way was it headed?”

And, as stated in another thread, I totally agree with the mink coat. Fast and low, would be a fun challenge to try to hit.

by ecto_plasmic1

17 years, 3 months ago

To be fair, they died in battle, so they were good on the whole unfinished business thing.

But our GBs wouldn't stand a chance!

well I'm pretty sure Egon would think of something. He always has radical ideas. :-)

by Kingpin

17 years, 3 months ago

Animated park bench and the mink coat could be fun…

As for busting ghosts on the Titanic… it just wouldn't be right. No busts based on tragic historic events. I mean, being on a phantom Titanic would be interesting… but it just wouldn't be appropriate… it'd be like busting ghosts at Auschwitz or Ground Zero.

I wouldn't mind seeing the spectral locomotive again as that wasn't based on a real event as far as I'm aware.

by misfit1

17 years, 3 months ago

Animated park bench and the mink coat could be fun…

As for busting ghosts on the Titanic… it just wouldn't be right. No busts based on tragic historic events. I mean, being on a phantom Titanic would be interesting… but it just wouldn't be appropriate… it'd be like busting ghosts at Auschwitz or Ground Zero.

I wouldn't mind seeing the spectral locomotive again as that wasn't based on a real event as far as I'm aware.
