Ghosts you wanna see in Ghostbusters:The Video Game

by JonathanArcher

17 years, 3 months ago

In the UK comics, Ray had a clause in his contract stating he would not bust the ghosts of animals.. But I think this may have just been the work of a lazy artist..


Lol, does that include evil mink coats that come alive because of pink slime? Lol, and yeah, that sounds like the work of a lazy artist, but, thats an intresting pointless fact for everyone.

by robertknippels1

17 years, 3 months ago

I also hope they will put a lot of suspence in the game by not showing the ghost in the beginning but that there are indications that the ghost is there. Like soundeffects. Things that start to move. having the feeling that you've been watched and trails of slime before the ghost showed up.

Best regards,


by ghstbstrlmliii1

17 years, 3 months ago

Jonathan Archer
Oh I agree.


The ghostbusters are exterminators. Good, Bad or ugly, zapping and trapping pays the bills, and now with the city funding them, do they really get a say in what ghosts they bust?

Hopefully, this will add a cool dynamic to the game, the busters rebelling against Peck and the city because of such things would be a cool twist in the story. Eventually getting shut down because of such actions, and then getting re-instated to fight the supernatural overflow of the city.

Also, I think a few nifty puzzles could be implimented to help good ghosts move on.

Man there are so many possibilitys for this game, I could be here all night.

I think that even the Ghostbusters would have their limits on what they bust, despite what dickless would think about it,

In the UK comics, Ray had a clause in his contract stating he would not bust the ghosts of animals.. But I think this may have just been the work of a lazy artist..


Well, and even through the cartoon, there were times when the guys went the extermination route: I'm specifically thinking of “Ghost Fight at the OK Corral” There, because the ghosts of the Earp brothers and Doc Holiday had become pests to the town, they were busted. It didn't really seem to matter that they had been good guys in life.

by Kalonthar

17 years, 3 months ago

Question makes me think of multiplayer (the Wii version at least). What with the Ghost vs Ghostbusters mode, how do we all think it will work out and what ghosts would be included. Will there be unlockable boss villains and if so, would a boss like Vigo for example (if he's in it) be included in it. Not exactly sure myself if Vigo or villains like him can be trapped the standard way. Would they just be destroyed. Maybe a character like him has more health and a few more powers to make up for a lack of flight. Lol, or in the case of Vigo, he turns into a head to float around.

All I know is, I doubt Stay Puft is playable lol. Obviously Slimer is in it, maybe the Scoleri Bros, maybe the Librarian Ghost, plus a bunch of numerous other ghosts and new ones. Maybe it would be nice to see some RGB/EGB inspired villains made especially for MP.

by muthapussbucket1

17 years, 3 months ago

heh, obviously not stay puft.

Quite true, but the idea made me laugh.

by chriz

17 years, 3 months ago

Maybe they could have a shrunk Stay Puft

Or If you can't play as him I want a level on the roof where at ransdom times he pops up and attacks or if you get too close to the edge or something (^_^)

by CrossingtheStreams

17 years, 3 months ago

I know its probably not going to happen….

but Murray the Mantis Boss fight while hanging off or flying the Ecto 2.

that would be so bad ass!

by ghostbuster5

17 years, 3 months ago

i hope to fight Zuul

by sandmanfvr

17 years, 3 months ago

We know Stay Puff, the Librarian ghost, and slimer are back from the game magazine article. I want Gozer, Vigo, that ghost train (maybe you board it and bust ghost in it and then the whole train), that large monster/dinosaur from GB2 somebody said above; would be a great boss fight, boogie man like said above, the titantic people would be good if you made the wrecked ship a level, zombie/ghost taxi drivers, flying/running fur coats, maybe ghost in a bar, etc. SO MANY choices.

by Only_Zuul

17 years, 3 months ago

i hope to fight Zuul
Bring it on! (o_O) But i would love to bust gozer.