Ghosts you wanna see in Ghostbusters:The Video Game

by theo1361

17 years, 1 month ago

ha ha i was just reading about vigo a few chosen profanitys lol
Vigo as your charactor walks by: YOU SON OF B—- I OUGHTA KICK YOUR A– IF I COULD GET OUT OF THIS GOD D— PICTURE lol i just thought that was kinda funny

by StaypuftX

17 years, 1 month ago

I just hope they incorporate the Terror Dogs somehow, those are still my absolute favorite GB creatures.

Course, if not, wouldn't really ruin the experience, just something I'd like to see.

by Mjollnir

17 years, 1 month ago

I don't mean to sound like an ass or something but since I haven't heard any news about Murray and the game, I know he's supposed to be in it, and we haven't seen his character in any of the pictures I'd like to see Venkman's ghost, if possible.

by ghostbusterraystantz

17 years, 1 month ago

I think i found some concept art for the scoleri bros. and the backstory may have had something to do with baseball.

by Kingpin

17 years, 1 month ago

Technically speaking we haven't yet seen Winston either, just a black guy with a moustache.

I don't want Venkman's ghost. I want Venkman, completely alive and kicking ghost ass. No lame “Venkman is killed and comes back as a ghost” stuff, please.

by Mjollnir

17 years, 1 month ago

Yea. But don't forget that what we've been told so far is that our character is the only “guinea pig” hired to test out new tech and stuff. I think it's pretty much implied it's Winston.

by Kingpin

17 years, 1 month ago

Yea. But don't forget that what we've been told so far is that our character is the only “guinea pig” hired to test out new tech and stuff. I think it's pretty much implied it's Winston.

No it isn't. In the images we've seen a Winston look-alike and in the footage an Egon look-alike. The press material has specifically said that the team's expanding and that ‘you’, the player are specifically hired on to handle the increased workload. So the player is not Winston Zeddemore nor any of the other established Ghostbusters.

by Nix

17 years, 1 month ago

Those would've been good reasons to have had the Slime Blowers if they'd been incorporated into the game.

I wouldn't mind seeing a spectral locomotive… it needn't be the one from the second film, but with all of those Subway tunnels both active and abandoned, as well as Grand Central there's plenty of scope for material.

Very interesting you should mention that. I was just thinking about seeing a terrifying ghostfight in a subway, something along the lines of that sequence in The Wiz. Have you seen that, or even just that particular sequence, the one where the garbage cans grow fangs and come to life, among other horrors? It scared the crap out of me when I was little–now it's one of the few good things about that movie.

Only thing is, I can't decide whether it falls into Real Ghostbusters or Filmation's Ghostbusters territory….

by Mjollnir

17 years, 1 month ago

Yea. But don't forget that what we've been told so far is that our character is the only “guinea pig” hired to test out new tech and stuff. I think it's pretty much implied it's Winston.

No it isn't. In the images we've seen a Winston look-alike and in the footage an Egon look-alike. The press material has specifically said that the team's expanding and that ‘you’, the player are specifically hired on to handle the increased workload. So the player is not Winston Zeddemore nor any of the other established Ghostbusters.

I never said the player character was any of the established characters. I merely stated that the only established characters we've seen besides our own(the player character) are Winston, Ray, and Egon.

by Sayingkingkilla

17 years, 1 month ago

I'd love to play a level against the Scoleri Bros, and if they could somehow incorporate the Terror Dogs as well….