Ghotbusters: Wedding Squad?

by pantshater24

17 years, 3 months ago

i got this idea last night from the other thread about wearing a pack to a wedding, so it's still in the developmental stages, but i'd like some feedback from you guys. i'm taking this to the completely comical side of things and am not trying to be serious in any way with this nor am i trying to tie this into any continuity that is established (unless i am invited to do so) i would like to have someone draw the character as well just so people can see what they look like. i was hoping maybe KingPin or Docfritz would lend me a hand on that (would be greatly appreciated). So ya here's my working plot for my upcoming series of fanfics.

Location: Las Vegas

Description: A friend of the brother in law of the uncle who babysat Oscar Venkman;Ivan has come across something that will change his life forever (no it's not a winning lottery ticket or a leprechaun). He has stumbled across one of the original proton packs used by the NY division of the Ghostbusters that they used to defeat Gozer (at a thrift store no less, how it got there? no one knows…yet). Along with buying up the entire collection of “snazzy” tuxedos the store had; he decides to open his own faction of Ghostbusters. But instead of going out on standard busts, he decides he's going to be more of a specialized buster. The specialty is weddings. That's right: weddings. Along with his two best (and only) friends Tokka and Earl, and some stange voice Ivan keeps hearing about some guy named Zuul,they set out to exterminate the ghouls and goblins only found when a ceremony of holy matrimony is taking place.

So who ya gonna call when there's something strange at your wedding and it's not your Great-Aunt Erma's feet?

Ghostbusters: Wedding Squad, coming 2007.

by Kingpin

17 years, 3 months ago

I don't know… having it be wedding related would be pretty restrictive… and the tuxedo thing…

by pantshater24

17 years, 3 months ago

true it may be a little restrictive, but i think there's potential for at least a few stories to be told. and what's wrong with the tuxedo thing?

by Kingpin

17 years, 3 months ago

true it may be a little restrictive, but i think there's potential for at least a few stories to be told. and what's wrong with the tuxedo thing?

Impractical to name one thing, expensive to clean when covered in ectoplasm for another. :p

by pantshater24

17 years, 3 months ago

true it may be a little restrictive, but i think there's potential for at least a few stories to be told. and what's wrong with the tuxedo thing?

Impractical to name one thing, expensive to clean when covered in ectoplasm for another. :p

lol that is true, but that's why he's purchased mutiple tuxes. and there's nothing practical about this series but that's how i visoned the series in the first place. i want this series to be like the 3rd cousin of the Ghostbusters (twice removed).

by DocFritz

17 years, 3 months ago

On the plus side, this is certainly a unique concept.

The down sides, I think Ben has elaborated pretty well.

I'm not sure what I can bring to the table on this. After writing three Ghostbuster weddings my brain is, to borrow a phrase, “Totally blank” in this area.

Maybe the though should be to expand the concept a little. You have Ghostbusters in tuxedos…instead of focusing totally on weddings, they could be the Ghostbusters for the Haves and Have Mores, who have ghost problems but don't want to be seen hiring people who look like janitors or race teams, because they Have An Image To Maintain.

Just a thought.

by CrossingtheStreams

17 years, 3 months ago

i actually woke up in the middle of the night and this thread popped in my mind and i was thinking…

instead of it being oscar and all this connection to ghostbusters, have it be your own division. because in my opinion, not strong connections (meaning like cousin, nephew, in this case son of the man's girlfriend etc.) are kind of lame.

another change could be instead of Wedding Ghostbusters where they specialize in only weddings, have it more so like (division of ghostbusters here) Ghostbusters: Death Do Us Start (JUST AN EXAMPLE I KNOW ITS AN EGB EPISODE! haha :-) ).

Finally, i was thinking you could like have someone connected with a woman, having weird expierences and the relationship eventually leads to a wedding having the Ghostbusters storm in (at the right time of course ) and revealing that the villian ghost was the woman the whole time.

…i was really bored…



by pantshater24

17 years, 3 months ago

thanks guys, i really do appreciate your input. ya there's definitely going to be some tweaking done to it before i release any of the fanfics (i actually wrote the whole synopsis while i was at work, so i've already got other ideas running through my brain). i'm gonna do more brainstorming over the weekend to work it out, but if anyone else has any opinions/ideas they would be appreciated!

by cazafantasma1

17 years, 3 months ago

Well… this is how they would look like… LOL!!!!

by muthapussbucket1

17 years, 3 months ago

Then you could get Vince Vaugn and Owen Wilson!

And Kat williams.

Show of hands?