Girl, 14, quizzed over MySpace anti-Bush page

by georgie_o

18 years, 4 months ago

Haha how crazy is this. I thought the free world had freedom of speech!

A US girl of 14 was dragged out of class by Secret Service agents for calling President Bush an idiot on her MySpace page.

Julia Wilson's internet page, called “So Bush is an idiot but hey what else is new?”, infuriated security experts, reports the Mirror.

She also posted the words “Kill Bush” and ran a cartoon of a knife stabbing the hand of the president.

Two federal agents went searching for Julia at her home before finding the teenager at school in Sacramento, California.

After pulling her out of class, they subjected her to a 20-minute interview.

Julia said: “I told them I just really don't agree with Bush's politics. I do not have any plans of harming Bush in any way. I am very peaceful. I just don't like Bush.”

She said the agents warned her she could be locked up for making the threat.

Dad Jim Moose added: “I don't condone what she did, but it seems a little over the top. You'd think they could determine that she's not a credible threat.”

by tobin1

18 years, 4 months ago

For goodness sake, they should stop wasting taxpayers money on something like this. Obviously a fourteen year old isn't out to assassinate Bush. They should spend more time on seeking out real threats.

by sinister1

18 years, 4 months ago

We should all know by now that the land of the free is in fact the exact opposite. I apologise if I offend any Americans here, but this has to be said. The American government runs the country according to the lore preached in Orwell's 1984. The implementation of the patriot act stripped away some of the US' remaining civil rights. The constitution has become meaningless.

Bush is turning the country of America, a country that was set up with the noblest of intentions into a nation that likes to impose its own beliefs on the rest of the world with no regard for the beliefs of others, deeming those that think differently to be “evil”. For a country as diverse as America, it is generally very distrusting of different cultures.

The fact that a 14 year old girl, and in another instance an elderly gentleman, and in another instance a cookie baking group, were questioned by the Secret Service, just proves that the USA is not only over paranoid, but intent on ruling with an iron first. Anyone that would question the leader is automatically a traitor. His actions must not be questioned, he has been put in power by God.

When the hell will the world (including the fine, upstanding, innocent civilians of America) realise what is happening to one of the largest nations in the world and do something about it before we're ALL in far too much trouble to get out of!?

by fomeboy

18 years, 4 months ago

I gotta say I agree with what you said… anyway the agents should realize Bush is the real threat… but how will they if they are his puppets? *sigh*

by Kingpin

18 years, 4 months ago

I'll agree that the case was probably dealt in the worst way possible… but how are you to tell if someone posting on a prominent internet site does or doesn't seriously mean the words behind ‘Kill etc etc person’?

I do believe it's worthwhile to keep a watch and maybe do some digging into people who proclaim death to a government member… but not make such a huge job of it.

by CrossingtheStreams

18 years, 4 months ago

I gotta say I agree with what you said… anyway the agents should realize Bush is the real threat… but how will they if they are his puppets? *sigh*

better watch your mouth man or theyll go after you too

“oooone two buch is coming for u,
three four, lock your dooor”


by DekaRed

18 years, 4 months ago

Kind of reminds me of the whole “President Clark” storyline on Babylon 5.

by fomeboy

18 years, 4 months ago

Crossing the Streams
I gotta say I agree with what you said… anyway the agents should realize Bush is the real threat… but how will they if they are his puppets? *sigh*

better watch your mouth man or theyll go after you too

“oooone two buch is coming for u,
three four, lock your dooor”


yeah he's worst than Freddy Krueger… even he would be scared of Bush…

by ecto_plasmic1

18 years, 4 months ago

Crossing the Streams
I gotta say I agree with what you said… anyway the agents should realize Bush is the real threat… but how will they if they are his puppets? *sigh*

better watch your mouth man or theyll go after you too

“oooone two buch is coming for u,
three four, lock your dooor”


yeah he's worst than Freddy Krueger… even he would be scared of Bush…

so who ya gonna call? :-)

by sinister1

18 years, 4 months ago