girl advice needed.....

by d_osborn

23 years, 2 months ago

guys.. i've been going out with my girlfriend for almost two years. we get along, but fight every once in a while. i met this girl last year, and she is the most beautiful girl i've ever met. she was almost (i think) coming on to me last year in class, but i was afraid to ask her on a date b/c i didn't wanna hurt my girlfriend's feelings. well, i talked to “the hot one” again today. we talked for probably ten minutes, and i still wanna ask her out. WHAT DO I DO???

by bigpapi428

23 years, 2 months ago

i've had two girlfriends at one time before, although it helped that they didn't go to the same school. but i would have to say play it very carefully, try it out and see which one you have more in common with and which one you want to be with more. you'll be lucky if the girl has both qualities.
i guess the most important thing is, which one loves gb as much as you do? or even a little as opposed to none.
hope this helps a little.

by Specter

23 years, 2 months ago

If you are already in a good relationship, do not give that up. Many people would kill to have a good relationship.

by vgirl

23 years, 2 months ago

Don't mess up a good thing, otherwise you'll end up with no one or dead. People are killing each other more these days, you know.

by d_osborn

23 years, 2 months ago

yikes v-girl, scaring me now! it's really confusing, life that is. we have a good relationship, but i'm just not sure if were right for each other. i'm almost thinking that my gf is staying with me b/c she's afraid of being alone. she does certain things that make me think that…. anyway, this other girl, i don't know, seems to be more like i am. i kinda sense a wild hair in here. i'm NOT wild, and i don't like to be around wild people. i'm just not sure. probably wouldn't stand a chance with her anyway.

by stembob27

23 years, 2 months ago

well, your first problem is that your asking for girl advice on a site of people obsessed with ghostbusters …….but thats something else. As far as answering your question. You've been going out with this girl for 2 years. Suddenly you find a prittier girl? It seems to me that the main reason your considering this other girl is because you've been going out with your other girl for such a while that you're gettin kinda bored. There are two perspectives on this. This first is that your boredom is just that, boredom. And thus the solution is , don't give up a good thing. There is also something you must consider. You don't realize how good something is untill it's gone. On the other hand, socially, it may not always be healthy to stay with the same girl for an extended period of time. , but being in several different relationships , your experience in the dating world could better set you for a longer lasting relationship in the long run. Personally I think your problem is the former……so my advice is to stop being stupid, listen to vgirl and stay with what you got. But no one can tell you what to do. Your the one with the most knowledge on this situation. So figure it out, make your decission and stick with your decission, don't be indecissive.


by d_osborn

23 years, 2 months ago

thanks for all the advice guys, (and girl smile ) pimp, i know this is a gb board, just thought i'd get some opinions. what, do i loook stuped or sumthin? everyone on here knows i get my advice from a magic 8 ball smile no, seriously, i'm not quite sure if i wanna stick with my current girlfriend. sometimes i don't really think we have a healthy relationship. i started college while dating my current gf,and that was tough. it's not that this other girl is prettier, i enjoy talking to her. she's funny, smart,nice, and a darn good artist. smile (i'm an art major) i don't know, i might not ever even see her again.

by bigpapi428

23 years, 2 months ago

go with what you think is tight for you.
im done heresmile

by back

23 years, 2 months ago

Ok, I'm engaged and I love Melanie to death. In the past, when we were dating in high school the same thing happened to me, what did i do? I simply just talked to her about nothing in particular. then soon, after a week she stopped and became a good friend. so just talk to her, try not to flirt (unless that doesnt bother your girl) with her and just be a “buddy”. it worked for
im gone.

by Ectoman

23 years, 2 months ago

Atleast he is not degrading the Ghostbusters community by asking for a girl to go out with him.