girl advice needed.....

by sano

23 years, 2 months ago

first off: going out with another girl while you are already going out with a girl is called CHEATING! if you aren't happy with your current girlfriend and want to go out with someone else, break up with your current girlfriend first. that is the ONLY way to do it. there is NO other way.

second off: if you aren't sure if you should break up with your current girlfriend and you are thinking that she doesnt really care for you either then that should tell you something. that means the relationship is already over. you two need to sit down and talk about what each of you want. you will find that the breakup will be much easier and noone's feelings will get hurt. cheating on her will not only hurt her but will also hurt you in many ways too.

be a real man and do the right thing. tell her how you feel and learn how she truely feels. chances are the relationship will end on good standards and the two of you can possibly even remain friends.

…the love doctor chad

by vgirl

23 years, 2 months ago

He's right too, ya know.

by d_osborn

23 years, 2 months ago

sano, i'm not cheating, if i was wanting to cheat on my girlfriend, i would have already asked the other girl out. that is what i'm trying to decide, whether or not the other girl will be a better match for me than my current girlfriend.

by ProtonCharger

23 years, 2 months ago

if you break up with the girl that's given you the honored you with two years, i will kill you. hell i cant even stay with a girl past three months. its a curse. im truly jealous of you.
jees man. think about it. everyone fights so you cant use that as reasoning for you to go out with a girl that draws really good. go with what you know.

now if i could only figure out the damn differece dating and boyfriend and girlfriend. im being told to see other people while im dating this girl. its friggin wrong. i like her and i dont want any other girl to be hurt, an i sure an shit dont want to be hurt again, itd be the third time in three months!

make that a curse of 3's…

by d_osborn

23 years, 2 months ago

proton, it's not a thing of the past, but of the future. we're to the point in our relationship where it's “the next level” or seperate ways. i'm just not sure if i'm ready to make a commitment like that. i'm 19 and a soph. in college, i'm not ready to get married, and i don't think my gf is wanting to wait. as for your girl prob, if it's the girl you're dating telling you to date other people, she's not worth it. she's using you. same thing happened ot a friend of mine. how long have you 2 been dating? three months is a pretty long time in my book. yeah, i've been with my gf for 2 years, but that's my longest. my second longest is a month! my gf and i just clicked as friends. were actually better friends than a couple.

by back

23 years, 2 months ago

be a man huh? i dont know if i could do that… i could act like a real weiner though!smile lol
im gone.


23 years, 2 months ago

it seems to me that you dont cherish(sorry bouth the spelling) your 2 year relationship with you current girl. I also think that if you did brake it up with her you would miss her very much(You never know how much you love something untill it's gone)You should take this “hot chick” as a test to see how truly faithfull you are to your current girlfreind, because if you did brake up with your girl just because the other one is hotter it means your shallow, and it's sad. I hope you stick with your current girl. BUT the final word is yours.

by d_osborn

23 years, 2 months ago

no, no, no… i don't like this girl just because she's hot. she's got a great personality, she's nice, and has a lot of the same interests i do. my current girlfriend is beautiful, but this other girl is (to me)super model hot. i'm sorry if i'm a guy, i can't help it. smile i wouldn't give this girl another look, though, if she was a stuck up snob, like most girls i know. i don't even know if she's interested in me or not. oh, i do cherish my two year relationship. but just because i've been seeing a girl for 2 years doesn't mean were going to get married. we've grown as friends the past year and a half, but the relatioship part has kinda tapered off. it's almost like were just friends that don't date anyone. does anyone see where i'm coming from? i wanna be BEST friends with the girl i marry, but i also want to have a great relationship. it just seems like we have lost that spark. if the relationship “flame” couldn't last longer than two years, how is it going to last the rest of my life? that is what makes me wonder if my current gf is right for me. i have no idea if i could even last a month with this other girl.. life sucks, but isn't it wonderful. smile

by vgirl

23 years, 2 months ago

Talk about complications! Lemme think on that over pizza.

by staypuft_chick

23 years, 2 months ago

Okay. I agree whole-heartedly with Sabo. That would b cheating, but the thing is that I just got out of a relationship that last almost a year and at the point where he broke up with me I was willing to say that i would give my life for him. He was my everything. And the thing is, he made me happier than i had ever been in my life, and he hurt me more than I had ever hurt. And I think that the relationship had actually ended long ago. He didnt communicate well though and so when he broke up with me he even lied to me about soemthing and I am still hurting from this. What i have to give to u is that u take every single one of her feelings into consideration and sit her down and talk to her. Not just u talking u listen and u both talk. Lay all of the feelings and memories out on the table before you decide. Weigh the good times with the bad. And it is my personal opinion that you should never leave somebody for somebody that you do not love. Because you may take that leap and find that u have a left a hurt and loving girl behind and an uncaring girl that wants nothing to do with you. Thaz all
