GO See Star Trek!

by Dr.D

15 years, 10 months ago

This movie FUCKING OWNS! Even if you have never seen Star Trek before, you WILL LIKE THIS FILM. It is for everyone, and yet there is no shortage of homages to the original series that Trekkies will pick up on. This film isn't an over-the-top action flick that doesn't give you time to slow down and absorb plot, and yet it never really drags on. It is also hilarious. I've see comedy movies that got fewer laughs that this film. The updated tech is realistic with just a hint of 60's goodness. The SFX are some of ILM's finest in years. The plot is not watered down, and yet not too complex that it can't be easily explained. There is an abundance of scenes that will make any moviegoes say “wow”. Chris Pine is going to be huge once this flick comes out. Zachary Quinto is also amazing. There were times when he was so like Nimoy is was scary. Karl Urban is Doctor McCoy. His acting style is like watching a young DeForest Kelly. While there roles aren't huge, John Cho has his moments as Sulu, and he shines. Yelchin's accent is better than Koenig's and he does have a “Nuclear Wessel” scene in the film. Zoe Saldana is great as Uhura. She brings the beauty and brains that Nichelle Nichols had in the original series. Another person who cannot be forgotten is Simon Pegg as Scotty. God Damn it, he is awesome. His accent is perfection and his timing gives his character the charm and humor Jimmy Doohan gave the original character. Let's not forget Bruce Greenwood as Pike, the original captain of the Enterprise (NOT APRIL ). His age and attitude make him the perfect counterweight to Pine's rebellious Kirk. Pike is like the teacher you had in High School who knew what was best for you when even you didn't. The villian can't be ignored either. Eric Bana's performace gives Nero a sinister, calculating, and psychotic attitude that hasn't been seen in Trek since Khan. Last, but in no way least is the man, Leonard Nimoy. For God's Sake, he's been playing Spock for the last 42 years, and has never lost his respect for the role. When he appears as Old Spock, it's like seeing an old friend again. I have never, even wanted to see a film succeed as badly as I want this one to. This isn't just a great Star Trek Film, it is an amazing film in general. After several iffy movies, J.J. Abrams finally found the formula to make a truly unforgettable film. Even if you don't like Star Trek, this movie is a new beginning, give it a chance. And to the Trekkies, no matter if you liked TNG, DS9 or TOS, you will enjoy this film. Gene Roddenberry would be truly proud of this film. In closing, go see this film. Boldly Go.

by JamesCGamora

15 years, 10 months ago

. Yelchin's accent is better than Koenig's and he does have a “Nuclear Wessel” scene in the film.

While I am trying to keep an open mind about the new movie consider the whole alternate timeline aspect of the storyline but…he's not even supposed to be there…

And the future is BRIGHT

by JonathanArcher

15 years, 10 months ago

I'm still iffy on this, especially how the Enterprise of all things look, it looks just to futuristic for that time.

by JamesCGamora

15 years, 10 months ago

Proof that William Shatner playing Kirk held back technology..

by Kingpin

15 years, 10 months ago

Jonathan Archer;141717
I'm still iffy on this, especially how the Enterprise of all things look, it looks just to futuristic for that time.

It's a different continuity. You can't apply it to the TOS timeline.

by Dr.D

15 years, 10 months ago

Don't let nitpicky stuff keep you from seeing this film. Chekov is supposed to be 17, which DOES make sense, considering Koenig was in his 30's when he played him. The Enterprise is more futuristic, but think of it this way, in the 60's the look of the show was really futuristic for that time. Abrams just updated the look. Ask yourself, would an audience go see a film with a bridge full of colorful jellybean-like controls? Remember, this movie is supposed to be over 200 years into the future.

by Lord_Kane

15 years, 10 months ago

Going to go see it on the 8th.

by JonathanArcher

15 years, 10 months ago

It's a different continuity. You can't apply it to the TOS timeline.

Wait, where did people say this about its continuity?

by JamesCGamora

15 years, 10 months ago

He was just implying I am assuming that you cannot compare the looks and the events in this movie to the normal Star Trek universe since it's out of continuity in it's on alternative timeline

by CrimsonGhostbuster

15 years, 10 months ago

I'm an occasional ST fan… but I'll go out and see it. From what I hear, it's better than wasting your time with “Wolverine”.