God of War Hidden Site

by inebriantia

17 years, 11 months ago

Some of you may already know about this but for those of you that do not I'm going to post this. Apparently shortly after the release of God of War 2 a hidden God of War website was found. The buzz really started going around after someone on youtube posted a video (Which I'll post a link at the bottom) of landing a 999,999 hit combo.The video shows the player's score climbing higher with little messages popping up like “Your destiny awaits” and “The secret is near” until finally, the URL appears in large letters. The URL takes you to a site known as The City of Rhodes. Which shows a mean looking Kratos (As if he was any other way,lol) above a burning field with a road going down the middle a huge counter ending on the 11th of April. No one I guess knows what this is all about, some think it corresponds with the release of the PSP God of War game, some think announcements of a movie, GoW 3 game, who knows. IGN claims that a Sony Rep. said that it isn't linked to the PSP game and that “The website is for true God of War fans…Think of the original God of War.”. Well I got no clue what it could be so maybe someone here might be able to figure it out. Below is some links..

YouTube 999,999 Combo Video:

The City of Rhodes Hidden Site:

IGN's Article on the Subject:

Interesting stuff can't wait to see what it's all about