Good GB Sites to Check Out

by vgirl1

21 years, 6 months ago

You guys are a trip. May you all stay up there in the search engines. Keep up the good work gang. Yes, I will still be making the guestbook rounds.

by egon92

21 years, 6 months ago

I'll plug my site, but it isn't a RGB news site. I do provide some news, but it's a site dedicated to my personal fan fic comics. I'm working on a new one now by the way, so watch for updates. Scoobmoonbusters is a cool site too. Just do a Google search to find it.

by spooky1

21 years, 5 months ago

OK Im leavin you guys with my final note
Remeber that no matter how convienent GBN may be its no the community. Post elsewhere as well, and discuss new things. Surf the web and vist the other GB sites out there because new people and a growing site base is whats required for any community to grow, not having a single board and a single idea. Help new sites grow in anyway you can as well as build your own no matter how lame someone may think it is. Lastly just be a ghosthead and converse in the community in your own way; dont think you have to go to a certian place to be apart of the community.

by peterkong1

21 years, 5 months ago

The Ghostbusters Collectable Card Game Site is up and running.

Ghostbusters 1 Cards are now available

by realspawn

21 years, 2 months ago

dont forget the ghostbusters 3d game

progress shots updates every week

by DocFritz

21 years, 2 months ago

Not just another Fan Fic site…

The Ghostbusters Omnibus Fan Fic center.

Be part of the Ghostbusters Universe!

by Kingpin

21 years, 2 months ago

Actually, both of the posted URLs to Doreen's site work.

by back

21 years, 2 months ago

The many GB Game download sites are pretty cool too. theres quite a few out there. anyone want to list them for me? :p
im gone.

by campi1

21 years, 2 months ago

Oh, oh, don't forget me! The notorious! My site was there when all you got when searching for “Ghostbusters” on the Internet was four or five hits! It's so old you weren't even born when it was founded! For I'm an ancient fan, you know. Tattooed with the GB logotype. This is serious stuff.

Why look at it? It's got tons of stuff and was called a “legend” the other day. Art, stories, more than a hundred Ghostbusters song covers (currently down, need a new server), fun stuff you find no where else unless someone stole it. I'm crrrr-eative, you know.

Now, how's that for a shameless plug?

PKE Online:

by spengs1

21 years, 1 month ago

Not sure if I can top that. My one site is actually the business site for the franchise's company, Ghostbusters International. And could be considered “official.”

We also have a messge board. I hope if you're a franchise owner or staff member and are not registered, we'll see you on the other side.

BTW I'm aware that the company site overall is ‘mismatched.’ I've been tweaking it and will have it done this weekend.

*edit* I worked on the site this afternoon, G.B.I (the site anyway :p ) is no longer mismatched.