Good Halloween Movies?

by rockford

18 years, 5 months ago

I agree with all of the above, especially An American Werewolf - but don't go for the sequel, …Werewolf in Paris - absolute shite.

The Thing is a fantastic spooky movie - stars Kurt Russell, who all the ladies love. Set in an antarctic station, the story revolves a mutating alien that can take on any form - including that of a human… Old, but excellent effects and superbly tense atmosphere.

Mimic - the story of what happens when man messes with nature, in this case huge cockroaches that have a trick under their carapaces… The sequels were steaming piles of pants though.

Final Destination 1 & 2 are great too (haven't seen 3 yet). Jeepers Creepers 1 & 2 are OK too.

However, one of the best atmospheric scary movies ever (IMHO) is the original Salem's Lot, with David Soul. If you don't have an accident when the boy is in his room and the vampire wants in, then you are dead already…

by fusi0n1

18 years, 5 months ago

Saw II (More gore)

And how about Shaun of the Dead to mix things up a little? I loved it!

by ghostbusterraystantz

18 years, 5 months ago


(*ray) (*peter) (*janine) :-) (*egon) (*winston)

by erikghostbuster1

18 years, 5 months ago


(*ray) (*peter) (*janine) :-) (*egon) (*winston)

Thanks but I am talking about non Ghostbusters Halloween movies. :-)

by Mr.No_Ghost

18 years, 5 months ago

“Freaked”. It's not so much horror, as it is bizarre, sick and hilarious. But, its good for halloween.

by rockford

18 years, 5 months ago

If you just want a good fun movie based on Halloween. then why not go for the Bette Middler classic, Hocus Pocus. Great to cuddle up with a partner while watching that. :-)

by DekaRed

18 years, 5 months ago

This is tough without being able to fall back on the Nightmare on Elm Street films (I'll grant you the Jason movies pretty much suck. But Freddy's badass, IMO).

Stephen King's The Dead Zone (starring Christopher Walken)
Stephen King's Sleepwalkers

of course, the classic Dracula and Frankenstein movies from the 30s.

by JerseyDevil

18 years, 5 months ago

The Nightmare Before Christmas. I'm singing the songs already: “This is Halloween, this is Halloween. Pumpkins scream in the dead of night…Everyone hail to the pumpkin song.”

Donnie Darko. Takes place around Halloween.

by slimelord1

18 years, 5 months ago

Some of my favorite Horror movies to watch around Halloween:

-Halloween 1 & 2, 4-H20
-Phantasm (all four)
-Friday The 13th Parts 1-7
-A Nightmare On Elm Street 1-3, New Nightmare
-Saw 1 & 2
-Evil Dead Trilogy
-The Thing
-The Blob (remake)
-Tales From The Crypt: Demon Knight
-Return Of The Living Dead 1 & 2
-Night Of The Living Dead (original and remake)
-The Gates Of Hell/City Of The Living Dead

I also like to watch a lot Tales From The Crypt episodes, especially Seasons 2 and 5.

by imported_Ghoulishfright

18 years, 5 months ago

Good ones, Slime Lord. Basically anything with monsters/ghosts/etc. ‘House of 1000 Corpses’ is particularly delightful this time of year. And the original ‘13 Ghosts’ and ‘House on Haunted Hill’ are fun as well. And I'm pretty sure that both ‘Ginger Snaps’ and ‘May’ take place on Halloween…

ALSO, everyone should watch “Tales from the Darkside”. They're showing it in mini-marathons, every Monday this month on the Sci-Fi Channel.