GOOPER GHOST GREEN GHOST for sale + Lots more hard to find items

by clusterhead37

15 years, 6 months ago

Giving us ghostheads a first look at this stuff is noble, and yes some comments were rude, but I “love” how everybody and their Mom claims this title

Well, I will argue with that! I AM THE BIGGEST GHOSTBUSTER FAN EVER!!
Ha ha ha… yeah. I totally agree. Im sure everyone says that. I'm just a fan of minimal graphics, a good story line and comedy.

Ghostbusters, Goonies, Breakfast Club, Total Recall… the list goes on. They just don't make movies like this anymore. A good new one is Tropic Thunder. That will be a cult classic.

I am just a huge movie buff. I am very ignorant when it comes to forums and am glad i found this place and can be a part of it. I did come here to sell some stuff. I am a very honest person and must admit that. But like i said i really want these items to go to a good home, rather than just some ebay duchebag that doesn't care who i am or is just going to resell these items as soon as he gets them.

I am a big fan of getting to know people, trading for things and having a personal attachment to these toys and gadgets. Its such a niche market and a passion that many do not understand. I have so many great toys and am sad that i have to let a few go. There is a lot of memories and history involved in this stuff. I've had these toys since i was a kid. My dad wouldn't let me play with them and the whole process of purchasing them with my dad, saving them. Keeping them nice. Just lots of memories… like im sure many of you have :-)

by clusterhead37

15 years, 6 months ago

Just wanted to let everyone know that i listed this for sale on ebay.

If anyone is interested before it sells i will pull it down.

So everyone knows. I plan on being a longtime member of this forum. I really enjoy Ghostbusters and its following! I've enjoyed meeting people here, look forward to GB3 and talking all about it.

Thanks for welcoming me :-)