Best thing I did for myself was learn a trade. The wages will sh*tkick anything in the service industry.
First job I ever had was 8 an hour, now I make just shy of 24 an hour. It's been an uphill struggle to get where I am, but if you put in the time and have the patience, it might be something to look into.

The longest I've worked in a place was a year and a half. I usually move on when I get bored. Since 2002, I've had 6 different jobs. 2 were prior to learning a trade, and the other 4 were after learning a trade. If I remember correctly, the wages went as so.
Job 1 - 8 bucks…went to art school, flunked out (so I slept through art history, some lit. course, and a pop culture one)…
Job 2 - 8.50…went into trades and learned to weld….
Job 3 - 12.80
Job 3 after 5 months log experience/one year inflation rate- 14.90/15.08…Got “B” stamp.
Job 4 starting/after probation - 15.00/18.00
Job 5 Starting/after probation - 20.41/21.41…Layed off.
Job 6 Starting/ending - 20.00/22.00….quit for higher rate at Job 5.
end layoff/contract negotiation on Job 5 Day rate/night rate - 22.81/23.81
Long story short, find something that makes you happy and stick with it!
If you havn't been on EI yet, it sucks. The cheques you get are give or take, half your regular wage. Being on EI while looking for something better to get by on, also sucks, especially if you're trying to find something in the city you live in. The downside with a trade is that the work comes in waves.
Just keep on! If you're not sure how to get into a trade, one way to get your “in” is apply around where you live as a laborer. If you can run a grinder and not go nutty, push a broom or play “gopher” (go-fer this, go-fer that!) there's a start right there. A little about me, I'm asthmatic, bit I've never let it hold me back. Most of the “oh, I can't do it” thing is in the head. Welding isn't one of those things an asthmatic person should do, but it's never stopped me.
If ya think ya can't do it, then ya can't. If you suck it up and do it, then you can. if you can't and at the very least try, then at least you can say you tried. There's my philosophy in a nutshell. I've never been one for heights, but it doesn't stop me. I look up, climb the ladder and suck it up. If you do it enough, it gets easier! Likewise, if you think something isn't safe or you need help with it, then DON'T do it and ask for help or an opinion! You won't be shunned for it.
Congrats on the new job!