1st I know you're just joking, Vince. lol
it's true your post of all smilies was deleted in an attempt to get keep him from complaining about his posts being deleted again. He considered it spam and I was gonna let you slide since we're buds, until he said something. Us mod Nazis do prefer that you post at least a few words or sentences saying what you want to express. No hard feelings?

You guys and anyone from GBHQ are more than welcome to stay and post on any discussions you like as long as you're not here just to “push the limits” or “test the waters” with what we will stand for which is the vibe I kinda got by you guys showing up kinda out of nowhere after a discussion on GBHQ. :p I love GBHQ and it is a great place for just hanging out and shootin' the poop(GBN edit just kidding…shit lol)
It's okay though. As long as you guys keep posting stuff relevant to discussions that doesn't involve a ridiculous amount of smilies or just “lol” just smilies or one word, that's cool. Let the Nonsensical conversation about how dead things are…resume! This can be the act silly if you guys want thread. As long as it's fun silliness for the whole family.
This concludes my uptight moderator rant. Keep it clean, Vegs(you dirty old man) and everyone have a good old time. I hate being the “bad guy” (*ray)