Gozer, its minions, temple, and history

by CarterKhoury

14 years, 4 months ago

Note: Post whatever you like about gozer and any questions. I will post soon.

by Kingpin

14 years, 4 months ago

It would've been better if you'd posted your content straight away, rather than post a placeholder.

by JamesCGamora

14 years, 4 months ago

It actually seems a little contemptuous the way you posted it. As if you were asking the entire community to post questions about Gozer, its minions, temple, and history…and you would answer them. As if you knew the definitive answer

No offense, but that's how it seems.

by CarterKhoury

14 years, 4 months ago

Okay here it comes!
Oh and no offense taken.

And credit to user Ivo Shandor who inspired my interpretations and did some brilliant work on the subject.

-Gozer the Gozerian: Maybe in a fictional Sumerian cuneiform language, or in Gozer's own language if it has one “Gozer” means “destroy” or “destruction”. Therefore, “Gozerian” means “the destroyer” or, like in another one of it's titles, “Destructor”.

-Gozer the Destructor: Gozer destroys worlds (or makes them uninhabitable). It first comes in whatever form it chooses and then lets a hero from the world choose it's final, world destroying form. For the Vuldronaii, the destructor form was a Torb. For the Meketrex Supplicants, the destructor form was a Sloar. For us, it attempted to destroy the world in the form of a giant Stay Puft marshmellow man.

-Gozer the Traveller: Gozer travels to diffrent planes of existence and planets. It first is summoned by the rituals of it's worshippers and sends ahead the two Terror Dog demi-god minions, Vinz Clortho the Keymaster and Zuul the Gatekeeper, to open the portal for it to enter the world through. Then it lets a hero from the world to choose the form it will take to destroy the world.

-Lord of the Seboullia: Lord implies that it is ruler and intrinsically male, though it can be whatever it wants to be. I think Seboullia is the correct term for the beasts called Terror Dogs. Therefore Gozer is the Lord of the Terror Dogs.

-Volguus Zildrohar: This is probubly Gozer's real name. It could be in it's own language or the “language” of followers from another dimension. Volguus Zildrohar could also mean “great terror”.

Tell me what you think so far. It's a work in progress.

End of Section #1

by CarterKhoury

14 years, 4 months ago

Oh and that was only section one. More is coming soon. Oh and by soon I mean right now.

by CarterKhoury

14 years, 4 months ago


Gozer's temple was it's portal into other dimensions and worlds. It first apeared in Dana Barrett's refridgerator. When she glimpsed Gozer's hellish realm through her fridge she saw the temple floated in mid air, with a sea of brownish churning clouds below it and more above it. At the two points in the clouds directly below and above it there was a strange circle of blue aura from which the clouds billowed outwards. The temple apeared to consist of a staircase, two plinths for the terror dogs to sit apon, crystaline doors on either side of which were two obelisks, and a gigantic pyramid which the doors led into.

The temple has a strange combination of Sumerian, Egyptian, and Freemason symbolisim. At the top of the pyramid there is a glowing sun. At the doors there are obelisks. On the Doors are hieroglyphs and two Egyptian characters I can make out to be a Pharoh and a godess with a sun disk between two horns on her head that I believe might be Hathor. Also, when doors are open I can make out behind them an Egyptian symbol of the sun disk with falcon wings. The sun at the top is also both a mosonic symbol and and egyptian symbol.

Work in progress. Part 3 is coming. I need to do some more digging.

End of Part #2

by Nix

14 years, 4 months ago

Some very intriguing stuff you've got there, Carter.

Here's a totally off-the-wall, bat-guano-crazy theory/idea of mine:

I had an idea a while ago to link Ghostbusters and Neon Genesis Evangelion with the idea that Shandor and his Gozer worshippers had ties to the SEELE organization (or, even, were SEELE, or an early form of it). Both organizations/cults had similar goals and motivations: the world was too sick to survive, thus it was necessary to destroy it altogether.

by CarterKhoury

14 years, 4 months ago

Wow. Your right. Never realy thought of that, that the SEELE organization had ties to the Cult of Gozer. Awsome Idea!(*_*)(^_^)

by CarterKhoury

14 years, 4 months ago


Gozer has two trusted minions, the Gatekeeper and Keymaster. The Coupling if these two demigods alone can bring forth Gozer.

-Vinz Clortho: The Keymaster of Gozer, Vinz is assumed to be male because he possesed a man and other obvious reasons. When Vinz came to earth he took on his natural Terror Dog Form and attacked and possesed Louis Tully. After raving around central park and escaping the custody of the Ghostbusters, Vinz sought Zuul. When he finnaly found her, they kissed and headed up to the top of the apartment building where they completed there mating ritual. The two minions then redirected the lightning from the storm twords the shrine doors, opening them and securing Gozer's arrival. The Ghostbusters arrived just in time to witness Dana and Louis' terrifying transformation from humans into the huge, muscled, horned, 8 ft Teror Dogs. After roaring menacingling twords the Ghostbusters both mystical creatures climbed up the glowing stiarcase of Gozer's Temple and took their cerimonial posistions on the two plinths besides the crystaline doors. After the Ghostbusters closed the portal to gozer's realm the Terror Dogs were banished back to their own Dimension along with Gozer.

note: Part #3 section #2 “Zuul” is coming soon.

by Nix

14 years, 4 months ago

Wow. Your right. Never realy thought of that, that the SEELE organization had ties to the Cult of Gozer. Awsome Idea!(*_*)(^_^)

“Had ties?” No, I didn't mean that. What I meant was, they're one and the same. The Cult of Gozer came first, then became SEELE over the years as the more mystical means of bringing about the end of the world were replaced by more technological/scientific ones…

You can almost look at it as the flip-side of the Ghostbusters. Whereas they use their tech to prevent the end of the world, the other side uses it to bring about the end of the world.