14 years, 4 months ago
14 years, 4 months ago
14 years, 4 months ago
14 years, 4 months ago
14 years, 4 months ago
14 years, 3 months ago
Cool info.
Although now I wish I didn't read so much of it lol. :p
This is mainly because I always loved the mystery surrounding Gozer and its minions in Ghostbusters.
*tries to erase memory*
14 years, 2 months ago
And credit to user Ivo Shandor who inspired my interpretations and did some brilliant work on the subject.
Ivo Shandor;53304
What exactly do we know about this Sumerian god?
Let's look at its titles.
Gozer the Gozerian - This is an odd title. Is everyone from its plane of existence a “Gozerian”, including the god for which the place is named? Anyone got another explanation?
Gozer the Traveler - Okay…Gozer travels. Between planes of existence, right? How does Gozer get from one place to another? I'd guess the temple/pyramid structure moves, taking Gozer with it. Where does Gozer travel to? Earth? Yes. Other planes of existence? Probably. Why does Gozer travel? Was the god exiled from its own home, and forced to wander? Or is it voluntary?
Gozer the Destructor - Gozer likes destroying things. It comes in one of the pre-chosen forms (like Sloar or Torb) or allows its victims to choose the form of the Destructor. Since Gozer has shown up in the past, there must be ways to banish it when its job is done. There were no Ghostbusters in ancient Sumeria. Who did it? Wizards? Or does it leave voluntarily? Why not stay and rule the place?
Volguus Zildrohar, Lord of the Sebouillia - This is probably Gozer's real name. “Lord” implies it is intrinsically male, although it can be whatever it wants to be, and in the movie it wanted to be a chick, an agile little minx to be exact. What are the Sebouillia? Terror-dog demi-gods? A legion of supplicants and sub-creatures from its place of origin?
I would guess that the Gozer we saw in the first movie wasn't even a full-powered Traveler. Why? I don't believe Gozer had time to establish a strong particle-flow through the gate yet. The GBs were there within moments of Gozer's arrival. Gozer had to reach back toward the gate before unleashing its lightning, and the boys in gray didn't die (even though Gozer said “die” and was presumably trying to kill them). Although I have heard an alternate theory that somehow the proton packs' electromagnetic fields shielded them from the worst of Gozer's lightning.
What happened to Gozer?
Well, with the particle flow reversed, Gozer was unceremoniously booted out of earth's dimension and back into the pyramid-like structure. Its chosen Destructor, Stay Puft, was annhiliated during the explosion which marked the closing of the gate.
I assume the spirits of Vinz and Zuul were also kicked out of earth's dimension and back through the gate.
Where did Gozer go? Who knows! Back to its place of origin? The nearest convenient parallel dimension? Maybe it's hard to get to earth's dimension as opposed to others. I'm sure Gozer and the demigods Vinz and Zuul found some safe haven. I'm also sure they weren't seriously hurt, just really pissed.
14 years, 2 months ago
Ivo Shandor
What are the Sebouillia?
14 years, 2 months ago
Um…aren't they those little cubes you pop into a pot of boiling water to add flavor?
Oh, no, wait, that's bouillion. So sorry!:-(
14 years, 2 months ago