Gozer's return

by Ectoman57

15 years, 6 months ago

Doctor Venkman;150084
Technically you did… Gozer was still in the form of Stay Puft.

i know that, i meant the “i thought gozer was a man” form

by doctorvenkman1

15 years, 6 months ago

i know that, i meant the “i thought gozer was a man” form

No you don't fight him in his other form. Its explained in the cemetery by Ray that Gozer is trapped in that form in this dimension.

by OniellFord

15 years, 6 months ago

Even though I have my Pro's and Con's of the game, I liked the storyline. Of course, I was sad that we didn't get to fight the ACTUAL Gozer instead of fighting Gozer as Stay Puft.

Ivo Shandor was a neat villain. He wasn't the best or the worst. He was just on the boarder. I love how they explained that it was HE who was responsible for that “River of Slime” event in GBII.

But I agree that it was Ivo Shandor that was feeding off of Gozer's losses. I loved the Mandala stuff. It reminded me of how I looked at video games when I was a kid. Instead of going straight to the bad guy, ya had to do things that were vital to the storyline and that were vital to crippling the enemy.

by JamesCGamora

15 years, 6 months ago

Supposedly, the fact that Stay Puft was weaker than before is used as evidence to support hat Stay Puft may not have been Gozer proper.

by ive_been_slimed

15 years, 6 months ago

Will Gozer's return be in the PC version on the game?

by DocFritz

15 years, 6 months ago

Supposedly, the fact that Stay Puft was weaker than before is used as evidence to support hat Stay Puft may not have been Gozer proper.

I admit I prefer thinking that way myself, but here's another idea too:

Maybe being, oh, say, blown to smithereens in a complete particle reversal seven or eight years before had something to do with it? Those few years are piddling to an immortal being. Maybe Shandor's problem was that he tried again too early–Gozer was still weakened from being defeated by the Ghostbusters the first time. If he'd stopped thinking in human time terms and waited a couple thousand years, the Goze would have been just as near-unstoppable as before.

by onionheadedfreak

15 years, 6 months ago

That's a great concept. I hadn't thought about it that way yet. Gozer was weaker because he forced back into existence too early. That actually explains a lot about how it all developed. Shandor just couldn't help but rush everything.

by austinthe5thgb

15 years, 6 months ago

look ray contradicted the first movie when it comes to gozer, if you dont recall louis tully as vince clortho spoke of gozer taking the form of a large and moving slor, the cake boss from the island lvl, so if he took that form then wouldnt he be forced to stay in the form of the slor. now i love ghostbusters and the game is amazing for the fact that ur a ghostbuster, but seriously ivo shandor should not have been the final boss. i mean they called the other dimension gozers dimension, truly we should have played one more lvl all in the alternate dimension with a huge battle with gozer as his deity form. it just urkes me that it feels like they dont care about the first movie examples the second movie how everyone acts like the ghostbusters didnt prevent the end of the world and the game just acting like gozer was a punk compared to shandor who worshipped gozer, gah!!!!

but in all honesty it dosent matter its all fiction, except for the proton pack. this may sound crazy but when i was watching the slimer vision and other doc on the blu ray dan akroyd talks and seems to think that a proton pack could be made but with a heifty bill of 900 billion.

by DocFritz

15 years, 6 months ago

look ray contradicted the first movie when it comes to gozer, if you dont recall louis tully as vince clortho spoke of gozer taking the form of a large and moving slor, the cake boss from the island lvl, so if he took that form then wouldnt he be forced to stay in the form of the slor.

Well, who's to say that “our” dimension is the only one Gozer had conquered worlds in? That could have happened on a completely different dimensional plane.

by GhostbusterLena

15 years, 6 months ago

The way “Vince” was talking, I think its safe to say he was talking about Gozer's conquests on other worlds. Egon didnt even seem to know exactly what he was refering to either.

I thought it was great to finally go after Ivo Shandar in the game, and how they tied it in to GB2, because being stuck in a painting, it didnt make sense Vigo caused the river of slime event.