Gozer's Temple?

by castewar1

14 years, 10 months ago

Threewave has shut its doors, so their involvement is finished. With luck, the files are backed up with TR or Atari, but seeing the light of day is improbable.

by JamesCGamora

14 years, 10 months ago

They really need to update their website:

by ghostbusters2131

14 years, 10 months ago

Threewave has sold off its equipment and shut its doors, so thier involvement is finished. With luck, the files are backed up with TR or Atari, but seeing the light of day is improbable.

…and my hopes crashes like thin glass.

by skankerzero

14 years, 10 months ago

I know Threewave had a lot of layoffs, but I think they're still around, just much smaller.

by castewar1

14 years, 10 months ago

Well, we can always hope…

by JimPhelps

14 years, 10 months ago

Skanker, I'm not clear on this. Since Threewave shutdown/laid off a lot of staff, did you guys at TR get the rights or the files? Or did Threewave not lose anything or did they go to Atari? Actually now that I think of it, it probably would have done no good to have the files handed over to TR even though they worked on the game but different aspects. I guess Atari got it or whats left of Threewave does. Well i guess its possible that if Threewaves got it, if the majority of work was already finished on those maybe they could push it out to someone to get made for DLC in order to boost revenue. But then thats not too cost effective is it? Is it? Im really asking since Im not sure how much effort/cost something like this would be. I used to think DLC was something developers had/held onto/didn't quite put finishing touches on so they could release later to boost income and renew demand for a game for people who didn't get it yet.

Sorry, doing too much thinking out loud here. Just got sent off confused since Castewar had written that someone at TR could have got possesion to use those files.

Could they have? Who the hell's got 'em? Turn out your pockets! No one is leaving here till we find those bloody maps!

by JamesCGamora

14 years, 10 months ago

I have no clue how the industry works, but I would think that if a developer folds…all the resources they made while working on the project are inherited by the new developer who picked up the project (if one exists) or to the publisher whom the developer was contracted with in absence of a new developer.

Anywhere close to being right Skanker?

by skankerzero

14 years, 10 months ago

I don't know the details of any contract we had with Atari.

In my past experience, the assets created by a developer belong to the publisher. I touched on a game that was handed to us after the developer folded. We were given everything they had worked on because it legally belonged to the publisher as they were the ones paying for the development and the license holder.

Hell, before Terminal Reality, I was at Mumbo Jumbo. We were working on a demo for a publisher using the Dragon Ball license. That publisher went and shut down a fan mad mod, (Bid For Power) and gave us all their assets to use. The fans were not being paid to make these assets, but the publisher was the legal license holder for DB when it came to videogames. So they legally owned all the work the fans did.

This is why I rarely ever do fanart.

by JamesCGamora

14 years, 10 months ago

HEY! I used to own a version of Bid for Power before it was shut down.

Bid for Power was the only reason I even bought Q3 lol

by JonXCTrack

14 years, 10 months ago