Grandma's Favorite Slime?

by egonstwin10

23 years ago

Did you ever try to make the slime that Peter wipes off on the books in the library? I always wondered what that was made of. If you know please respond to this message or e-mal me at Thank you.

by Fuzzy79

23 years ago

I believe there was a topic of this on the A.S.A.P. board so try checking there.

by slimerdude469

23 years ago

hey dude we need to find this damn recipe!

by borzou99

23 years ago

I have the plans in my prop profile. Use Polyvinyl alchohol (PVA) and borax (5% solution). I did this in chemistry class and it looked neat. Also, with a little bit food coloring, it looked better smile.

by borzou99

23 years ago

nevermind, the perfect slime is pending approval.

by ecto-3

23 years ago

In the movie they used a famous Chinese food starch also known as MSG. That is the perfect slime wink

by borzou99

23 years ago

actually, i can mail somebody a sample of this slime free of charge. Anybody interested?

by borzou99

23 years ago

the slime plans are both up. look up keyword “perfect slime/ectoplasm”

by borzou99

23 years ago

i actually heard some people Interested in the slime recipes, so just a reminder, I have the perfect slime posted in the prop section. And if it’s not to much to ask, can anybody tell me who ”flipnist15178“ is? Also, Ectoman , I will have the answer to your question soon.

by Ectoman

23 years ago

The “if it wrecks clothes” one? Just don't go around wrecking good clothes.. smile