GREY or TAN - What's your final answer?

by RoboProp

23 years ago

OK friends, here's a question for all you die-hards out there: If you had to give “your final anwer” on what color YOU think the flightsuit really is, what would it be? - grey or tan.

…things that makes you go hmmmmmmm?

by bluestarcontra

23 years ago

Khaki. smile

by ProtonDefender

23 years ago

The original is tan/khaki and GB2 is dark navy blue.

by ecto-3

23 years ago

I would go with the gray color, khaki is original but its too light for me. I personally like darker colors that kind of blend in with the Proton Pack.

by back

23 years ago

well, because of the black/dim equipment you'll be wearing i'd suggest something
im gone.

by MasterSpider

23 years ago

khaki/tan. Unless you go GBII like me, then get navy blue.

by ecto-3

23 years ago

Navy Blue sounds like a ghost janitor instead of ghostbuster to me, but thats just my opinion wink

by Ectoman

23 years ago

That's what they were.. smile

Volguus says the suits were Kahki with a tint of purple..

by ecto-3

23 years ago

Ya know, the costumes are starting to sound more freightning(pardon my spelling if incorrect ) then the ghosts! wink

by RoboProp

23 years ago

Has anyone ever done a custom dye job on a flightsuit to get that special tint? it sounds possible since a lot of the khaki suits are cotton and take dye relatively well. Purple tint huh?