Guitar Hero: Metallica


16 years ago

On, Metallica revealed that the other guest artist to be featured in the game along with Lemmy is King Diamond:

This was posted at
In case you didn't guess already, our other close friend is none other than King Diamond! King says: “It's been absolutely amazing to be a part of this Guitar Hero experience. It was quite a trip to re-record the song ‘Evil’ almost 25 years after the original recording took place. The end result with four out of the five original musicians turned out so much better than I would ever have hoped for. Seeing my animated character take form was totally eerie in a very good way. It's so strange to see yourself animated in such perfect detail - cross bone microphone, Eye necklace and all. This game looks and sounds METAL all the way. HORNS UP!!!”

by ghostbusters2131

16 years ago

I´m not interested on this game (“Whiskey in the jar” is not on the tracklist??? bummer), but some of the bonus songs call my attention:

Diamond Head - Am I Evil?
Judas Priest - Hell Bent For Leather
Motorhead - Ace of Spades
Queen - Stone Cold Crazy
Slayer - War Ensemble
System of a Down - Toxicity


15 years, 11 months ago

There is more news about it on

This was posted at
Yet MORE Guitar Hero News

Guitar Hero: Metallica hits in just a few days on March 29 and, as the game draws near, we have many updates for you.
Guitar Hero Skin: An addition has been made to our arsenal of Metalliskinz, which allows you to change the design of to your favorite theme with a new Guitar Hero skin. Check it out using the drop down menu in the right column of the home page.

XBOX Demo Available: Gamers itching to get a taste of Guitar Hero Metallica can get a free download on Xbox LIVE Marketplace. In the demo, virtual rock stars across the globe can shred, drum and wail to “Sad But True” and “Seek And Destroy,” as well as “No Excuses” from Alice In Chains and “Stone Cold Crazy” from Queen, two of our favs. Set in The Forum (Los Angeles), highlighting the new in-the-round stage designs and custom camera angles, players can begin honing their skills in single-player and band Quickplay, head-to-head, Face-Off, Pro Face-Off and Battle gameplay modes.

More Videos: We have added three Behind the Scenes videos as well as an advertisement for the Gamestop/Double Bass Pedal promotion. You can view them at

More Screenshots: Haven't seen enough of Guitar Hero: Metallica? We've added even more screenshots to our Guitar Hero Page. You can view them directly at

Banners Added: In addition to the Wallpapers and Buddy Icons that were already posted, we've added some Banners that you can put on your personal website so that you can show your love for Guitar Hero: Metallica. You can find them at

Wallpaper Contest: It's time to take that fancy finger work from Guitar Hero, and use it to create a desktop wallpaper in celebration of the upcoming launch of Guitar Hero: Metallica! The Metallica Wallpaper Contest challenges you to create a unique and creative Guitar Hero: Metallica related desktop wallpaper. We'll be providing you a handful of art assests to work with, and the rest is up to you. 15 of the best wallpapers will be chosen by the Guitar Hero Team (made up of members of the Neversoft Team, and the Guitar Hero Community Management Team), and those top 15 wallpapers will be sent off to Metallica, who will judge your art and pick the overall best desktop wallpaper. For more information, visit the Metallica Wallpaper Contest page at

We've got more Guitar Hero: Metallica bits coming up over the next couple days. Keep an eye on to stay up to date!

You can view three new behind-the-sceens videos on–the-music–the-game–into-the-game

by slim

15 years, 10 months ago

not completely on topic here but Metallica is coming to my town for a concert in Dec. and i am considering going to it… /gb/…. is this win?