Guys, to Hell with Hell

by unclesirus2

19 years, 6 months ago

Okay, I love some of these GB3 ideas I've been reading, but their are a couple of things that have to stop.

First of all, Hell is a bad idea. This sounds obvious, but I mean it. One of the great things about GB is that they show everyone's perspective on ghosts. Winston, for example think that they are spirits rising from the dead a la the Apocolypse. Egon sees it in a purely scientific way as left over energy from living people.

Using Hell would over simplify what GB is.

Also, trying to use the same team in the same way (sole GBers) obviously would not work. Using them as ghosts is overused (see 13 Ghosts, Casper, etc.).

These thing must be stopped! (*rant)

by Kingpin

19 years, 6 months ago

I suppose the Hell concept is an overused one these days, it was probably a cool one when that script was being written, but with so many fanfics having come out in a third movie's absence, it's lost it's punch.

Mind you, there was this really good script that circulated some years back, fan written, that had been on (I think) Bill Emkow's page, sadly it, and artwork for it are no longer available.

by fusi0n1

19 years, 6 months ago

Okay, so we'll opt for the tried and tested “bad guy lurks in object” notion? It seems people just want to up the ante for the story, there have been similar “ghost world” and “hell” stories, but none that are done right.

Never did like the original GB's as ghosts, however I've always liked what they did with Michael J. Fox in Frighteners, and in another movie I think called Flatliners? Anyway, they were frozen to the point where they “crossed over”, prefer that to the dead/ghost thing, but then again that's been done to death (pardon the pun )

Mind you, there was this really good script that circulated some years back
Would this happen to have been called Ghostbusters: Hellbent? I think I kept a copy to read offline.

by doctorvenkman1

19 years, 6 months ago

Ghostbusters: Hellbent was the actual title of the third movie, Dan Aykroyd's script, as I understood it. If you still have that script could you e-mail it to me?

by fusi0n1

19 years, 6 months ago

It's actually:
Ghostbusters 3
M. Scott
July 08, 1998

Sorry, my bad, thought it was hellbent or something to that effect in the title.

by Kingpin

19 years, 6 months ago

M.Scott's work is great, but the script I was thinking of had demons forcing people off of the Brooklyn Bridge into lava and had the Statue of Liberty being destroyed by demons not that long after her bicentennial. It also had a bit where ‘Venkman, Burn in Hell’ was spraypainted in Peter's office.

by unclesirus2

19 years, 6 months ago

I must say that I was a bit worried how this post was going to be taken. There are a lot of fanfics about hell and I was worried that people might not like what I had to say…

As for what we should latch onto after dumping Hell? Classic villains from the cartoon that could transfer over to the big screen, demons and gods from ancient civilizations (just be careful to not over Christian it), and inventing origional spooks and spectres!!!

I'm Actually working on a GB3 script which begins with a kid being abducted from a playground by a tall man wearing a long, black coat and a very large brimmed, black hat. Tons of stuff in it: we explain what happened to each OGB…Pete, Dana, and Oscar moved into a small apartment built behind the firehouse, then moved out to “Claifornia's beautiful San Fernando Valley”, Egon obviously became a professor at NYU, Winston moved closer to his mother in Georgia and opened his own garage, Ray lost it after a close encounter with a real big baddie and got a job as far from the supernatural as possible…a butcher. Louis and Janine got married and moved to Maine, then devorced due to financial stresses (which is odd due to louis' job, but that's where the stress came from), Janine moved back to NYNY and became Egon's lab aid allowing them the chance to explore a relationship….further down the line, they all meet back up at the funeral of one of the OGB's, but I won't tell you who.

So who is the new team? I'll post it when I'm done…but if you know your fanfics, I posted a prologue and two chapters of the team from the flick way back before the forums became so new and shiney. “The Other Side of Forever”

Wow this is a long post.

by fusi0n1

19 years, 6 months ago

Uncle Sirus
Okay, I love some of these GB3 ideas I've been reading, but their are a couple of things that have to stop.
First of all, Hell is a bad idea. Using Hell would over simplify what GB is.
Well tell ‘Dan the Man’ that next time you see him, he thought of it first and guess we all had some interest in it. But I guess this is directed at me because I used it as a filler in my outline. I did state I never was all for it, but until I think of something better, it's Hades/Underworld, which is similar to the Hell premise. There are other things I've briefly thought, so just need to brainstorm a bit to achieve a decent storyline.

Uncle Sirus
Also, trying to use the same team in the same way (sole GBers) obviously would not work.
In what way? They will obviously still be in the movie, but maybe they are ‘secondary’ to the new ghostbusters, so I guess the focus can be on both teams, old and new (but mostly new). And what would be more hilarious than seeing 4 balding, middle-aged men faced with ghosts they used to be able to bust long ago, with new powerful equipment, that they have no idea how to use? (Granted they aren't in that premise for long in my story) Seems like they are almost back to the drawing board for the other 2 movies.

Uncle Sirus
Using them as ghosts is overused (see 13 Ghosts, Casper, etc.).
Agree with you there.

Uncle Sirus
further down the line, they all meet back up at the funeral of one of the OGB's, but I won't tell you who.
That's probably a given