
by CrimsonGhostbuster

15 years, 4 months ago

Holy crap, tonight I experienced GWAR (God What Awful Racket for you folks that don't know) for the first time:

They OPENED for Lamb Of God (boo), which was an insult, so they didn't have the full stage show with the giant maggot or anything. But plenty of slime and blood. I had a rockin' good time up until I lost my keys and had to wait till they were setting up for LOG to wade through a sea of dumbass agro kids and drunks.

All around, I had a damn good time. Any others (aside from Lanny who I know is a huge fan) seen'm live?

by ghostbusters2131

15 years, 4 months ago

I respect GWAR, great metal band… and bizarre customes… but I rather like Green Jellÿ, guys from Gwar helped Jello dudes making their customes.

Hail metal band who wear creepy customes!!

by Ectofiend

15 years, 3 months ago

GWAR is one of my FAVORITE bands :-)…I've seen just about every show they've played in this, their hometown of Richmond, Va since '93 (*peter)..Not to mention at least twice at the beach here …I run into Dave Brockie , and Matt on a semi-regular basis, and have drank with Corey Smoot and Nate …I'm good friends with an ex-slave named Adam, and have a bunch of buddies that work on and off with the Slave Pit …And I've at least met everyone else in person, ex or current, at some point in time…

Ah the perks of living in the same hometown as one of my favorite bands :-)(*peter)…

And I've seen Green Jelly twice here as well :-)…Got up on stage with them both times (*peter)…Friends will Bill Manspeaker on Facebook :-)…'Nuff said…

But you make me choose - It's GOING to be GWAR who wins out…They are the better band with the better mythos…And the shows are just that much more epic…

However having said that, Green Jelly still keeps the audience participation slant alive, as where GWAR has since dropped it…Making for a more hands-on experience…

But the winner over-all is still GWAR…

by CrimsonGhostbuster

15 years, 3 months ago

Hey Lanny… Mobile Death Camp just played in Des Moines a week ago, it's got the guy who's played Beefcake since “War Party” as the lead. You familiar with them?

by Ectofiend

15 years, 3 months ago

Yes that would be Todd Evans…I met him once and inadvertantly slept with one of his exes :-)…Schnugins…And Casey Orr took over the part of Beefcake again, as Todd wanted to concentrate soley on the band in question…

And yes I am familiar with the band, though I've never actually listened to them, so I can't give an honest assessment (*egon)…Though through that ex-slave Adam I've heard some pretty shitty things about Todd in regards to that band…

by CrimsonGhostbuster

15 years, 3 months ago

Well I don't know about that… Nate Fetus booked that show and he said he was pretty cool.

Speaking of which, didja know Nate's now singing for Denver band Catheter now?

by Ectofiend

15 years, 3 months ago

Did not know that (*peter):-)…And Catheter has quickly become one of my favorite bands after I saw them at the Maryland Deathfest this past year…I knew of them before, but never really gave them a chance (*egon)…