Halo 3


17 years, 5 months ago

pantshater24 wrote:
i just sent friend requests to both of you. psychojoe, what time do you usually play? i tend to play around 8pm-12am.

Thank you, pantshater24. It varies, I work midnights (12 hour shift 7pm to 7am), I take my kids to school in the morning, and I go to college on Mondays and Wednesdays.
The evenings is when I try to play and some times in the afternoon when the kids are in school. If you want to set up a match, just let me know in advance so I can see if I'm free; you can always send me a message on Xbox Live.

I work one week Monday & Tuesday than Friday to Sunday; then the next week I'll work Wednesday and Thursday.

by fusi0n1

17 years, 5 months ago

Yeah I got Halo 3 for my birthday, and whilst I haven't had much of a chance to play a lot of it yet, it looks very impressive (still taking me a while to work out how the hell to join a match… I just wanna join and start playing!)

My gamertag is “The Splicer” if anyone wants to add me. Would love to try out my new wireless headset and get into a 4 player co-op match (4 friends taking on the covenant = awesome)
However I live in Australia, which probably means while I'm playing at night time, you lot will only just be waking up / going to school / work.


by pantshater24

17 years, 5 months ago

Yeah I got Halo 3 for my birthday, and whilst I haven't had much of a chance to play a lot of it yet, it looks very impressive (still taking me a while to work out how the hell to join a match… I just wanna join and start playing!)

My gamertag is “The Splicer” if anyone wants to add me. Would love to try out my new wireless headset and get into a 4 player co-op match (4 friends taking on the covenant = awesome)
However I live in Australia, which probably means while I'm playing at night time, you lot will only just be waking up / going to school / work.


That's why we have weekends my friend. :-)

by CrimsonGhostbuster

17 years, 5 months ago

Most of the customers at the store I work at have been complaining that it only takes 5 hours to beat. Any truth to this?

by pantshater24

17 years, 5 months ago

ya me and my friend beat it in about 5 1/2 hours co-oping on normal. but playing it on legendary makes it a lot longer.

by 9sam11

17 years, 5 months ago

well i got it and its an ok game. But it gets boring after awhile, like most fps games. I think its pretty over-rated, what makes this so much better then other shooter games?

by the_blessed_freak51

17 years, 5 months ago

I don't think I'll be tired of this game for a long time.

if anyone wants a shot at me my tag is III8MANIII ….bring lots of bullets.

by pantshater24

17 years, 5 months ago

I don't think I'll be tired of this game for a long time.

if anyone wants a shot at me my tag is III8MANIII ….bring lots of bullets.

hmm im trying to put your gamertag in and it says that it does not exist.

by fusi0n1

17 years, 5 months ago

I'm a dad with 2 kids, so my time is limited to a couple of hours gaming a night.

Why do they make this menu one of the most un-user-friendly I've encountered?

I'll be fiddling around for like 5-10mins looking for lobbies, or games, but just find nothing? Then I just quit and play a game where I can just jump in and start shooting. Do you have to have a party to join other games? Or do you have to “start” a game and wait for players to join? That took 5minutes for even 1 person to sign in as “ready”. Yawn, no time for that, sorry!

I guess I could try reading the manual, but hey, I don't want to break my “manual-free since '93” record.

by pantshater24

17 years, 5 months ago

lol. ya you go into matchmaking, pick what kind of style you want to play, then hit start matchmaking. though you shoul've just played with me on sat night lol.