Happy 27th Anniversary Ghostheads

by ghostbusters2131

13 years, 7 months ago

Congratulations Ghostheads, for 27 years of paranormal activity.

by mrpecker2

13 years, 7 months ago

While it's nice to see Ghostbusters being loved so many years later, isn't that kind of a strange anniversary date to celebrate? It's usually every 5-10 years.

by TyFire

13 years, 7 months ago

Ha! Every year it should be celebrated. I wore my pack around the house, and watched the movie later that night.

by ghostbusters2131

13 years, 7 months ago

Ty Fire;171290
Ha! Every year it should be celebrated. I wore my pack around the house, and watched the movie later that night.

I played the soundtrack at the office, and celebrated eating pizza… BTW, yesterday my wife tried one of those pregnancy tests, and it seems she´s pregnant!! Great notice for a GB anniversary… our first baby smile

Could it be a better day? smile

by TyFire

13 years, 7 months ago

Congrats man! Wish you the very best for fatherhood!

by ghostbusters2131

13 years, 7 months ago

Ty Fire;171302
Congrats man! Wish you the very best for fatherhood!

Thank you my friend, we´re so excited and happy! smile

by slimelord1

13 years, 7 months ago

Congratulations on your kid and best of luck smile

by ghstbstrlmliii1

13 years, 7 months ago

Great news! Congrats to you and the misses. Very exciting times ahead.

by RealmMan

13 years, 7 months ago

Please resist the urge to name your child Egon.

That said, mazel tov, qapla', and wahoo-loris!

by ghostbusters2131

13 years, 7 months ago

It´s official, we went to the doctor and my wife has a 7 weeks pregnancy smile

Please resist the urge to name your child Egon.

Sadly my wife already warned me about not calling the baby boy as any of the Ghostbusters or AC/DC band members, she will choose the name if it´s a boy, but if it´s a girl, I´ll choose Sahara, like my beloved grandma who died a few years ago.