Happy, Happy Halloween, Halloween, Halloween...

by pf4eva1

17 years, 4 months ago

Happy, Happy Halloween
Sil-ver Shamrock!

I just thought I'd christen the forum with a Halloween thread, and what better way for me to contribute to a Halloween thread than by putting at least one Michael Myers picture in my post.

Anyway, down to business. How's everybody enjoying their Halloween? I've already seen some cool costumes (Spider-Man, fireman, princesses, Stitch/Eeyore; I even saw a Burger King costume that scared the crap out of me as the dude walked by me :-) )… That Burger King costume would make for a cool horror movie icon for this generation, if BK themselves would approve of it.

Right now, Halloween 5 is on AMC as part of their annual Halloween movie marathon. Man, Donald Pleasence was cool. “I shot him six times, Sheriff! He's not dead! He's still out there!!!”

Happy Halloween, Ghostheads.

by pantshater24

17 years, 4 months ago

i went to work today with the old school TMNT costume and got a free lunch out of it, then i went to my friends house to hand out candy in my store bought GB costume. twas a good night.

by Sayingkingkilla

17 years, 4 months ago

Happy Halloween! Almost Hallow's Night now

by Son_Of_Venkman

17 years, 4 months ago

I did my usual routine - watched Ghostbusters, handed out candy to trick or treaters (not many this year) and spent the month building up to Halloween watching all my horror themed films. These include in no particular order -

Invasion of the Body Snatchers
Evil Dead 2: Dead By Dawn
Army of Darkness
Hercules In The Haunted World
John Carpenter's The Fog (original)
John Carpenter's The Thing
Conan the Barbarian (it's got demons and succubuses and monster snakes, that's close enough for horror)
Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl (for the zombie pirates)
28 Days Later
A Chinese Ghost Story