Harry Carey in Iraq

by ddayhawk

17 years, 10 months ago

by fome

17 years, 10 months ago

another boring link, courtesy of ddayhawk

by ddayhawk

17 years, 10 months ago

you really dont find Harry Carey funny?? it must because your from Canada then…they never find anything funny up there

by Kingpin

17 years, 10 months ago

you really dont find Harry Carey funny?? it must because your from Canada then…they never find anything funny up there

I only watched the first 25 seconds of it and I didn't like it either… really unprofessional of that soldier.

I should hope you don't repeat a comment like that, we've got a decent collection of Canadian members and being from Canda doesn't make you miss humor… but there has to be humor there in the first place for it to be funny and if that's an accurate immitation, then ‘Harry Carey’ isn't funny.

by ddayhawk

17 years, 10 months ago

unprofessional?? im sorry i didnt realize there was a certain way to do a car check. if you have a problem then maybe you should write him a letter and say how disappointed you are

and im sorry about the Canada joke, but it seems to me that everyone on this board is a REDACTED hardass.

Mod Note: We allow swearing here but there are still lines we shouldn't cross. Anything from the movies is acceptable. - Kingpin.

by CrossingtheStreams

17 years, 10 months ago

unprofessional?? im sorry i didnt realize there was a certain way to do a car check. if you have a problem then maybe you should write him a letter and say how disappointed you are

and im sorry about the Canada joke, but it seems to me that everyone on this board is a REDACTED hardass.


i thought it was funny!


your not alone…and the ytmd u had earlier i saw before u posted and i pretty much balled my eyes out it was so funny.



by ddayhawk

17 years, 10 months ago

haha sweet!! someone else who laughs at this..i dont know, i think its cause we are young and we find this stuff funny

by Kingpin

17 years, 10 months ago

haha sweet!! someone else who laughs at this..i dont know, i think its cause we are young and we find this stuff funny

I'm 21, this has nothing to do with age. It wasn't all that funny, and neither was the topic with the fat girl beyond the choice of music.

unprofessional?? im sorry i didnt realize there was a certain way to do a car check. if you have a problem then maybe you should write him a letter and say how disappointed you are

and im sorry about the Canada joke, but it seems to me that everyone on this board is a REDACTED hardass.

Well, if you're doing a serious search in a country where soldiers are getting shot or blown up by roadside bombs, surely the last thing you'd do is impersonate a character whilst doing it?

Especially if it's getting taped, and then put onto the internet where your superiors will likely see it.

Maybe I just had a different idea of priorities…

by ddayhawk

17 years, 10 months ago

so the guys over there who work every day, over 12 hours a day cant have a little fun while doing their job??

by misfit1

17 years, 10 months ago

so the guys over there who work every day, over 12 hours a day cant have a little fun while doing their job??


Duh! War's not fun, son.