there is no way that is done in the states. if you look at the background you see iraqians all around, and some army vehicles. also there are no powerlines/street lights on the road. also when you look and see the pickup truck drive by, its full of iraqians. so its definitely not made in america
Well, the only thing that could really say that's a foreign country is how large a presence the army is there… but regardless there isn't anything that really says outright it's Iraq… there are plenty of roads in America, and even here in England without street lights or power lines… The vehicle is left-hand drive, the road looks well paved and there aren't any descernable landmarks. It could be America for all we knew, even though it likely isn't.
I tried Googling the guy's farewell, ‘secrum’ (I know that isn't the proper spelling) but couldn't find anything.
Anyway, to cut a short story long: Not very funny impersonation of a not very funny character being played by a usually unfunny commedian. The End.