Harry Carey in Iraq

by Kingpin

17 years, 10 months ago

there is no way that is done in the states. if you look at the background you see iraqians all around, and some army vehicles. also there are no powerlines/street lights on the road. also when you look and see the pickup truck drive by, its full of iraqians. so its definitely not made in america

Well, the only thing that could really say that's a foreign country is how large a presence the army is there… but regardless there isn't anything that really says outright it's Iraq… there are plenty of roads in America, and even here in England without street lights or power lines… The vehicle is left-hand drive, the road looks well paved and there aren't any descernable landmarks. It could be America for all we knew, even though it likely isn't.

I tried Googling the guy's farewell, ‘secrum’ (I know that isn't the proper spelling) but couldn't find anything.

Anyway, to cut a short story long: Not very funny impersonation of a not very funny character being played by a usually unfunny commedian. The End.

by fome

17 years, 10 months ago

yeah thats it…its america and instead of using Iraqians(i really dont know wha to call them) they use mexicans.

you call them “people” you ass :p

Anyway, to cut a short story long: Not very funny impersonation of a not very funny character being played by a usually unfunny commedian. The End.

lol this comment was even more funny than the video itself

now it is worth to take a look at this thread

by Kingpin

17 years, 10 months ago

Thank you, I'm here until Thursday… and then every day after that. :p

by inebriantia

17 years, 10 months ago

Not really a funny film, and I'm actually a HUGE Harry Carey fan, being a Cubs fan all of my life. To point it out, Harry Carey was not a comedian, he was a sports broadcaster, and one of the best, he broadcasted 3 World Series, and 3 Cotton Bowl games, and of course was the commentator for the Chicago Cubs. Seeing as how he's dead, I imagine thats the only reason Will Ferrel was able to get laughs out of it, mainly b/c he's making fun of Harry Carey not recreating any humor he might have used. In his old age Carey would often say far-fetched stuff, not realizing how crazy and weird he sounded, which is why there were the skits after he died, I don't find them that funny, or find it funny that they made fun of such an icon like that, every Cubs game I've been to there is always a huge crowd around the statue of Harry Carey outside of Wrigley with people paying respects, and if that situation where this video was shot is real, then shame on him. I'm all for troops having fun, they see stuff no men should, but don't play on the job, or screw with people, not cool (again if that's real)

by Kingpin

17 years, 10 months ago

I meant Will Ferrell when I said ‘commedian’. Had no idea Carey was a real person.

by inebriantia

17 years, 10 months ago

Ohh no I was just clarifying for the people who didn't know who he was. If you don't know who he was then most of this topic was probably confusing, I was just trying to help, I wasn't offened or anything, I'm a hard person to offend I was just trying to educate. I just didn't find the video funny, some people did and thats fine, but they should know what they're laughing about before they do.

by ddayhawk

17 years, 10 months ago

I know what im laughing about when i saw this. were you trying to educate me or just the other people on the board that dont know about him??

by inebriantia

17 years, 10 months ago

Ohh no I was just clarifying for the people who didn't know who he was.

You should read the posts throughly before posting lol, :p

by Magickman

17 years, 10 months ago

If thought it was pretty fun. Especially if you're a Cubs fan.

And I can't blame him for having a little fun. Being a soldier right now over there has got to be one of THE top SH#@ jobs. Its hot as hell during the day, and cold as $#&% at night, and to top it off you never know when your going to get shot or blown up, might as well make the best of a shi$%y situation.

And no, I do NOT want to get into, or turn this into a war/political/Bush/USA view/World view/Democratic/Replublican conversation or anything of the like.

Bottom line is if you like Harry Carrie, then you should like this video. If not, then don't watch it.

by fome

17 years, 10 months ago

And no, I do NOT want to get into, or turn this into a war/political/Bush/USA view/World view/Democratic/Replublican conversation or anything of the like.

sorry but from the moment that you mention Bush you are asking for it…

no seriously I just wanted to post these pics

now please do not jump on my all at once