Has anybody heard anything else about this?

by SavannahGB

23 years, 2 months ago

A few months back, i had checked the back to the future website and they were all hootin and hollering about a game that i think was coming out for game cube that had a clip of it showing Woody Woodpecker flying the Delorean from BTTF around the universal theme parks, dodging dinosaurs in Jurassic park, flying past ET, up and over Jaws as he tries to take a bite out of the time machine. Now i saw the preview, it looked cool as…well you get the idea. has anybody heard anything else bout this game? When is it coming out? what will it be like? whats the premise? Is it for Gamecube? Does anybody know???

by d_osborn

23 years, 2 months ago

where did you see it at?

by SavannahGB

23 years, 2 months ago

the back to the future offical website.


thats where i saw it mentioned. It was supposed to be about Universal stuidios themeparks. Islands of Adventure, Universal studios. I dont know if its a minigame thing where you have to go in and defeat King Kong and Jaws, etc or if its like a theme park simiulator like Roller Coaster Tycoon. I was hoping somebody else out there might know more bout it. Dan Electro? Where are you when i need ya? or as carrie Fisher said a long time ago…
“Help me…your my only hope.”