has anyone seen this shirt?

by DontCrosStreams

21 years ago

that is a really snappy logo, that should be the one for the third film (knock on wood) :p

by wingsnut25

21 years ago

he can report it to ebay, cause it violates the agreement between the seller and ebay… he would have to report it, and also would need to proove that it is his work…

by Pareto

21 years ago

he can report it to ebay, cause it violates the agreement between the seller and ebay… he would have to report it, and also would need to proove that it is his work…

I think he'd be better off contacting Sony/Columbia – the artist doesn't have the legal right to use the GB logo and likenesses in the first place.

by Kingpin

21 years ago

Actually, Fixer;'s name was on it, and oly the artist can complain on grounds of intellectual content theft.

by wingsnut25

21 years ago

your aloud to use a copyrighted logo for your own personal use, although your not a lot sell it for a profit, I think he could still report it to ebay and they would remove the posting, but yes your right ultimatley, sony/columbia would have to pursue action against the seller…