has anyone used liquid nails?

by GBinOrlando

23 years, 3 months ago

i made a pack just recently, and i used hot glue to put it all together, but, the pain in the arse loves to fall apart. i want to make another one, and i was wondering if anyone has used liquid nails as a substitute for hot glue, epoxy, caulk, or whatever. also, what have some of you used to keep your pack together and strong?
also while i have your attention, if i do, has anyone thought of using small square blocks put in corners to keep box shapes a box shape while gluing?
and finally what is the most popular thing used for the proton gun? i see alot of easy to make pack, but what about the gun?


23 years, 3 months ago

hmm, liquid nails…sound good to mee, ty for the tip before i start my pack!!

by Rick

23 years, 3 months ago

Yeah, I used blocks to hold the shape of the pack, especially when making the Cyclotron. Actually, I screwed the blocks to the motherboard, then screwed the bendable ply to the blocks, then used putty to cover over the screws. (damn I hate the word “screw”. it sounds like the other meaning for “screw”. then again, so does “nail”! lose/lose situation).

Soon I'll have new pics of my cyclotron under construction. It's been years since I started this pack, but now I'm determined to finish it!


by wingsnut25

23 years, 3 months ago

Liquid Nails does make a much stronger bond then hot glue in most cases. But thiers some matierles that hot glue just holds better too.

Liquid Nails also takes longer to dry. On my pack I used screws and hot glue. Just put a black screw threw the back of the mother board into your boxes (ie. eda box)Make sure your boxes have a back, and your not just gluing the edges down, this makes it weaker and leaves nothing to screw into.

And yes absoultey support the corners and the inside with blocks going across.

by Volguus

23 years, 3 months ago

I have read on several occasions that Paranorman uses “Goop,” which sounds to me like something similar to Liquid Nails. They're both nasty glop which come in tubes, give off really good fumes, and need to air dry, right?

- K -

by Ectodude

23 years, 2 months ago

I happened to of recently used caulk, and il tekking ya, it works like a charm. i do suggest using DAP acrylic latex caulk with silicone. makes a great glue.

this doesnt really have to do with this partiular topic, but you could use the empty DAP caulk tube as the booster tube. the little plunger inside that plugs up the bottom of the tube, can be flipped upside-down, and made as the booster plug.

just figured you wanted to know.

by DragonTech

23 years, 2 months ago

Actually never heard of liquid nails.

The world's best invention in my mind; Modeling glue. I use it for everything. I carry a tube around with me! I actually once used it to fix a problem with my piece of junk computer, (tm.)
And it worked!!

But be warned! Modeling glue combines acid and glue. The acid melts the plastic and then it solidifies and then the glue drys. But some glue companys hire morons. I once put together a Gundam model and the thing fell apart like a biatch. I took the blade part out of the sword and the handle actualy turned to goop inside the hollow. And the thrusters on the backpack are gone. Half the backpack is gone. Melted away.

“Destroyed by the empire…”

I did a test, I took some plastic trees and put the same glue on it. Next morning I awoke to a puddle of red/blue liquid on the paper towel I had put it on. Tsk tsk. Wait what was this topic about again?