hay I think we should have a ghostbuster Video contest

by Russel_Turrner

22 years, 3 months ago

I think we should have a ghostbuster video contest. all of the franchise enter a home movie and the winner should win some thing cool. like if we could ever find a real prop. used in the movie that dosen't sell on e-bay for $700 bucks. have we might even be able to have a convention. maby it a bad idea but I think it would be fun. to meet other ghostheads and share ideas face to face. but let me hear you input.

by SpecterHarness

22 years, 3 months ago

I like the idea of a convention, we could show our movies there. The GB.net people could show up too. smile

by Russel_Turrner

22 years, 3 months ago

I gonna need more backing than you but if you think you would like to help me go for it. My team is ready to hold are own in the contest we make movies of us all the time and I think.
please help

by SpecterHarness

22 years, 3 months ago

I'm taking Video Productions and I can make fairly good proton streams, so my team is good to go as well. IM me or email me sometime smile

by Russel_Turrner

22 years, 3 months ago

go to my site and e-mail me

by Spengs

22 years, 3 months ago

Russel_Turrner: Sounds like a good idea in theory. I say in theory since a lot of these ideas start off strong, then fall to the wasteside.

Plus I really couldn't see all franchises meeting up somewhere like a convention. Its been talked about a lot on and off on al the incarnations of “central” GB boards.

This prize for the winner would have to be really good. I do think if any one wanted to contribute to the prize, that'd be alright.

Showing the videos most likely on GBN could work over actually meeting in a centralized location.

All the best if you or anyone went ahead to do this. smile