Hay Louis Email Ohio Ghostbusting Division and guys tell us what you think

by ghostbuster1000

23 years, 1 month ago

iam second in commmand the managing paranormal investigator at ohio ghostbusting division we want to be an official franchise but no word back from louis so hears the site also email us if you wish louis http://hometown.aol.com/jedi19993/OGBD.html thanks

by xxyl

23 years, 1 month ago

I think I may know what the delay is…we at Ghostbusters: Cleveland have also put in for a franchise. There may be territory issues to work out. Perhaps we could take Akron/Canton and leave the South, Central, and rural areas to you?

Of course, we could also just have a bust-off for the whole ball of wax, and settle things like they did in the old west!

Anyway, we're temporarily at http://xxyl.dreamwing.com/CleGB/index.htm

until the firehouse gets wired up broadband. Right now we're still concerned with getting the permits to go through. Best wishes, tho, I'm sure we can work something out!

by ghostbuster1000

23 years, 1 month ago

Hay thats great i will talk to my team members we are three strong but are going to be lousing one very shortly but we could have a merger and have two branches but we can work this thing out you can email me at johnhibbard@hotmail.com or you can email our leader me being second in command and all at jedi19993@aol.com oh by the way your site doesent work who you gonna call ihn ohio ? we dont know yet

by xxyl

23 years, 1 month ago

Well, I don't know about a merger, since I think it's been shown that four ghostbusters is a fairly optimal number for a franchise. But we'd be more than happy to set up some sort of cross-marketing and business alliance, and client referral system. And of course, any large-scale paranormal activity in the Buckeye state could require a team approach. We'll get into contact with you to work out territory issues, unless GBI wants to dictate those for us. I don't see any problems, though. Ohio has more than enough wierdness to support two franchises. Maybe even do like Pizza Hut, have one statewide number, and then refer to the nearest franchise. I'm suprised GBI doesn't do something like that Nationwide. No, wait, it would cost them money, nevermind!

As for our website, the address seems to work for us…I'll look into it though, hopefully these issues will lessen once we get our local hosting and domain issues sorted out. Until Cleveland Public Power gets new backup high voltage lines installed, we think it's best to host off-site, in case a surge requires us to use the generators to power the containment grid. You know how it is. But we'll be in touch!

Best wishes,

Who you gonna call in Ohio? We're working on it!