HD DVD Player

by inebriantia

16 years, 11 months ago

I have a question I would like to get some opinions on. Between a month to two months ago I bought a very nice Toshiba A30 HD DVD Player. It's really a great player all around. It supports all the way up to 1080p/24, it upconverts regular DVDs as well. It has lots of features, and goes great with my 50 inch Toshiba Regza HD LCD TV. However I just got a HD/Blu-Ray Combo player for Easter. I wanna sell my HD Player however I don't wanna lose all the money I paid for it. It cost me 350 dollars, and it's pretty much brand new. I don't think I can get 200 out of it, but I think I might be able to get 150. I live in a very small town surrounded by other small towns. Heck you still can't even buy or rent any HD movies of any format without having to drive at least an hour.

So I guess what I'm trying to say is I'm putting an ad in the local paper since it's free anyways, our local newspaper doesn't even cost money to buy, lol. What do you think I could get for it? I think 150 is possible considering people still find high speed internet amazing. But if you guys think I should go for 200 I probably try for it. Maybe give it one of those 200 O.B.O. kinda deals. Start off at 200, then let them think they're talking me down to 150. I just dont wanna lose out on all my money I spent on it. I wanted a Blu-Ray, but not a combo, I have a decent amount of HD DVDs I've bought at least 20 of them, so I just wanted a Blu-Ray so I could still watch my HD DVDs. Maybe could have gotten a PS3 watched my blus on it but upconvert my regulars and HDs so I dont wear out my PS3 like I did with 2 PS2s. But I got a damn combo player…

So what should I do?