Health system

by ScottSommer

15 years, 8 months ago

I know the health system is similar to that of Gears of War, but I hope it is better.

I have been playing Gears 2 a little lately and I noticed something. Sometimes when I die or get killed in Gears 2 my health does nothing to indicate I am being shot at or I am getting injured.

The screen goes red yes, but only after I take a substantial amount of damage. It is confusing and frustrating sometimes when on my screen looks like I am at full health, but I am really at a low health.

The red screen is supposed to indicate this, but I don't see red by the time I am dead sometimes.

I hope the health system in Ghostbuster is at least more accurate at telling you how much damage you are taking as I find Gears 2 to be a very flawed game which is why I don't play it much.

by heslimedme251

15 years, 8 months ago

I've never had that problem…if you've taken so much damage in a short amount of time then the game can't really indicate fast enough before you die. But at that, you can normally tell if you're being plugged by gunfire. Maybe i've just got used to the system as I play that game alot, but Ghostbusters looks as though it has the directional indication of where damage is coming from too (as in, the bottom of the screen goes red if you're getting damage from the back, left from the left top from the front, etc.)

by ScottSommer

15 years, 8 months ago

I hate the health system of Gears of War because it is so…inconsistent.

I don't know if it is lag, host advantage, or whatever, but I die so easily and it is so hard to kill them. I mean, at times I find myself putting half a shotgun clip at point blank range only to get chainsawed or shot from behind with the guy I was shooting taking very little damage or non at all.

I don't even get a damage indicator sometimes which again is unnerving as I don't know where people are.

by heslimedme251

15 years, 8 months ago

Scott Sommer;144004
I hate the health system of Gears of War because it is so…inconsistent.

Agreed, it is a little hit and miss. I've adapted to it, but it's irritating.

It has alot to do with lag, and if you're firing from the hip you shoot in the direction your gun is facing not the way you yourself are facing (at least that's what I heard!)

I didn't think GoW had a damage indicator to say where you're getting hit from though, which is why the system in G:TVG looks good.

by ScottSommer

15 years, 8 months ago

Agreed, it is a little hit and miss. I've adapted to it, but it's irritating.

It has alot to do with lag, and if you're firing from the hip you shoot in the direction your gun is facing not the way you yourself are facing (at least that's what I heard!)

I didn't think GoW had a damage indicator to say where you're getting hit from though, which is why the system in G:TVG looks good.

The damage direction indicator is there. Usually, it's red arrows that point to the direction you are getting from. Not helpful in close quarters mind you.

by JonXCTrack

15 years, 8 months ago

I played the demo at NYCC and I felt that it was easy to tell that you were taking damage and from what direction. I don't think you will have anything to worry about.

by ScottSommer

15 years, 8 months ago

I played the demo at NYCC and I felt that it was easy to tell that you were taking damage and from what direction. I don't think you will have anything to worry about.

It's not where the damage is coming from, but how much you can take. In Gears like I said your health changes from you being to take several shots to only being able to take one.

I hope it stays more consistent in which everyone gets the same amount save for power ups.

by Dakera

15 years, 8 months ago

Perhaps you shouldn't take the: OH HEY! My eyes are no longer bloodshot! I guess I'm perfectly fine!

Those bullets are still inside of you, possibly giving you lead poisening. If your taking ALOT of damage maybe you should fall back and give yourself MOAR time to recover.

I have yet to have this plan fail me.


by ScottSommer

15 years, 8 months ago

Perhaps you shouldn't take the: OH HEY! My eyes are no longer bloodshot! I guess I'm perfectly fine!

Those bullets are still inside of you, possibly giving you lead poisening. If your taking ALOT of damage maybe you should fall back and give yourself MOAR time to recover.

I have yet to have this plan fail me.


I don't rush it, in fact I let them come to me most of the time. I understand your jokes, but what's the point if there is no damage indication?

The thing is though, like I said, the bloody vision doesn't show up until after I am dead sometimes and the hit detection varies from game to game. Sometimes the guns work and sometimes they are useless no matter what I do.

by doctorvenkman1

15 years, 8 months ago

This has really become a Gears of War discussion… it doesn't have much to do with Ghostbusters at this point. Its just kind of a “hope the damage indicators are good”. There's not much discussion to that. Ok, so you don't like the Gears damage indicators… that's a different game.

I played it at NYCC, and the direction the damage is coming from is pretty obvious, and also I recall there being a pretty good indicator that you're getting injured/damaged.