Heavy Metal (1981 animated movie).

by JokerSmells

16 years, 1 month ago

Radical, sexy and gory cult adult animated Sci-fi/horror/fantasy anthology based on the popular adult comics! produced by the makers of Ghostbusters including Ivan Reitman. Features the voices of John Candy, Egon Spengler himself Harold Ramis, Susan Roman (“Sailor Moon” and “The Raccoons”), John Vernon (Animal House), Roger Bumpass (Squidward on “Spongebob”) and Eugene Levy. It's nicely animated with stories involving sex, zombies, aliens, warriors, barbarians, babes, an evil orb that is the sum of all evil, a badass soundtrack, Elmer Bernstein score, drugs, gore, violence, and good vs. evil.

This movie influenced “The Fifth Element” and was recently parodied on “South Park”, it's one of the coolest comic book based movies around. There's some hot nude toon chicks especially Taarna the white haired mute warrior babe whom is guaranteed droolness, it's naughty and violent fun.

There's even a remake in the works coming soon.

by Kingpin

16 years, 1 month ago

A better version of the post this time, there were some parts that I found questionable whilst keeping this forum's rules in mind.

I took a look at some clips of it on Youtube, some well animated bits to it… and defininitely not for younger viewers… I wonder how they were able to get it off the ground and if they met any criticism from idiots believing it would be for children just because it was animated.

by DocFritz

16 years, 1 month ago

Roger Bumpass (Squidward on “Spongebob”)

And Louis Tully in The Real Ghostbusters. Let's not forget that.:-)

by JamesCGamora

16 years, 1 month ago

There's even a remake in the works coming soon.

I heard it was a Sequel a la Heavy Metal:2000.

by Zombie

16 years, 1 month ago

Fun movie. I like the part with the WW2 zombies best.

by JokerSmells

16 years, 1 month ago

Anyone thinks Taarna is smokin' hot for a realistic toon chick? she's that white haired mute warrior chick. For me, HELL YES! i desired her since i was 11 when i taped this off Cinemax back in 1993. Anyone also thinks this movie was a big influence on “The Fifth Element”?

It's so cool that Ivan Reitman with Elmer Bernstein were involved in this movie. The new movie coming soon will be a reboot (ala “Batman Begins”) that will have 8 different stories this time all done in different forms of animation like traditional 2D, CGI, Stop Motion, Clay, Japanese animation and more. I also hear that David Fincher, Guillermo Del Toro, Gore Verbinski and Zack Sydner are gonna helm it. This should bring adult animation back to the mainstream just like “Beowulf” and “South Park: The Movie” did or “Team America”.