Hellbent Script

by 9sam11

15 years, 8 months ago

Will we ever get to read it? I know a select few have read it, now that that script seems to not be happening i wonder if we will ever get to see it and look at what might have been.

by rockstar232007

15 years, 8 months ago

Will we ever get to read it? I know a select few have read it, now that that script seems to not be happening i wonder if we will ever get to see it and look at what might have been.
Just play the game. Dan Aykroyd has stated that, a few of the elements from the original ‘Hellbent’ script, were used in the video game. I would assume that he was talking about the portals, and what not.

by 9sam11

15 years, 8 months ago

Thats fine and all, but i would still enjoy reading the entire script.

by Vinz-2206

15 years, 8 months ago

When I first read about Hellbent back in 1999, I thought it sounded like a pretty good idea. I only saw the teaser plot though that Harold told to some magazine, which was something along the lines of “Hell's become so full of bad people that it starts to overflow causing a huge spike in paranormal activity on Earth.”

In my own head, I envisioned something like a gateway that would have to be located and closed to stop the influx of ghosts. Then I heard the rest of it, that they actually built something that would take them to Hell so they could talk with the Devil, and I became not as interested. That and the new recruit characters sounded all wrong to me (Punkers and a kid with an enlarged brain if I recall). But, I did really like the concept of Hell overflowing though.

I'd too like to give it a full read one day, just to form a final opinion on it and see if there was something redeeming beyond what put me off.

by DemonicGozer

15 years, 8 months ago

Yeah, wasn't the Devil supposed to be a Donald Trump like figure? I'm kind of glad it never got made. Sounded stupid. However, I would like to read the whole script.

by jackbtripper

15 years, 7 months ago

Some of Kevin Smith’s unproduced scripts have been turned into comics like his Green Hornet script. Maybe Dan could make a deal to release it as a 4 issue comic book or maybe turn it into a novel. He is such a great writer and wrote so many great scripts I have always wondered why he doesn’t write science fiction novels or something. I would sure like to get a hold of that script too. Comic books seem like they would be a great medium for him since he would not have to hold back for fears of going over budget on SFX he could get away with anything!

by PeterVenkmen

15 years, 7 months ago

Some of Kevin Smith’s unproduced scripts have been turned into comics like his Green Hornet script. Maybe Dan could make a deal to release it as a 4 issue comic book or maybe turn it into a novel. He is such a great writer and wrote so many great scripts I have always wondered why he doesn’t write science fiction novels or something. I would sure like to get a hold of that script too. Comic books seem like they would be a great medium for him since he would not have to hold back for fears of going over budget on SFX he could get away with anything!

Since he wasn't really satisfied with the script anyway, I doubt he try to do that. Why would he release something he's not proud with?

Anyone read Frank Miller's RoboCop comic? Good god, I'm glad they didn't do RoboCop 2 like that. It didn't even feel like RoboCop, and at the end of it, he KISSES his partner Anne Lewis. Seriously, what the hell? Anyway, my point is, I'd rather not see a comic or novel produced out of Dan's GB3 script. It might ruin things for me.

by devilmanozzy1

15 years, 7 months ago

Peter Venkmen;152978
Since he wasn't really satisfied with the script anyway, I doubt he try to do that. Why would he release something he's not proud with?

Anyone read Frank Miller's RoboCop comic? Good god, I'm glad they didn't do RoboCop 2 like that. It didn't even feel like RoboCop, and at the end of it, he KISSES his partner Anne Lewis. Seriously, what the hell? Anyway, my point is, I'd rather not see a comic or novel produced out of Dan's GB3 script. It might ruin things for me.

Dan as far as I could see was proud of the script of Ghostbusters: Hellbent. It was Sony, and the actors that saw problems with it.

As far as a novel/comic book being released on it….I'd welcome it. I don't see how a script already being said to not be useable being made into a book could ruin anything. Its a story not a faith. I rather enjoy the read, than to have another void of lost creativeness. Does he need a sticker for you saying “This is not Canon” or something to shut you people up that nay every damn thing that comes out with the term Ghostbusters?! Its Dan's Baby, not yours.

by rodie1

15 years, 7 months ago

Dan as far as I could see was proud of the script of Ghostbusters: Hellbent. It was Sony, and the actors that saw problems with it.

As far as a novel/comic book being released on it….I'd welcome it. I don't see how a script already being said to not be useable being made into a book could ruin anything. Its a story not a faith. I rather enjoy the read, than to have another void of lost creativeness. Does he need a sticker for you saying “This is not Canon” or something to shut you people up that nay every damn thing that comes out with the term Ghostbusters?! Its Dan's Baby, not yours.

Yeah I'd never heard anything about Dan not liking the script… In fact in one of his recent interviews he said his third draft was quite good. I've always wanted to read it. Then again I'd like to read all of his drafts be it for GB, GBII or GBIII.

by PeterVenkmen

15 years, 7 months ago

Then again I'd like to read all of his drafts be it for GB, GBII or GBIII.

You're not the only one. I'd really like see how the first draft of Ghostbusters was. From what I read on spookcentral, it's pretty strange and almost completely different from what we know now.