Hellbent Script

by devilmanozzy1

15 years, 7 months ago

Peter Venkmen;152978
Since he wasn't really satisfied with the script anyway, I doubt he try to do that. Why would he release something he's not proud with?

Anyone read Frank Miller's RoboCop comic? Good god, I'm glad they didn't do RoboCop 2 like that. It didn't even feel like RoboCop, and at the end of it, he KISSES his partner Anne Lewis. Seriously, what the hell? Anyway, my point is, I'd rather not see a comic or novel produced out of Dan's GB3 script. It might ruin things for me.

Peter Venkmen;153068
You're not the only one. I'd really like see how the first draft of Ghostbusters was. From what I read on spookcentral, it's pretty strange and almost completely different from what we know now.

………..Do you have two personalities? If so I agree to the second one.

by PeterVenkmen

15 years, 7 months ago

I was talking about the FIRST DRAFT for Ghostbusters, not Ghostbusters 3. Two completely different things. Ones an alternate take, ones a continuation.

by doctorvenkman1

15 years, 7 months ago

I think devilmanozzy's point was the fact that you were saying Aykroyd's Ghostbusters III script isn't worth reading because he wasn't happy with it (presumably you think this because it wasn't made, Aykroyd hasn't ever said he didn't like that script). Thus, it is odd that you would want to read a different draft of Ghostbusters, since one would assume you would make the same presumption about that draft (that he wasn't happy with it since it didn't get made).

by devilmanozzy1

15 years, 7 months ago

Peter Venkmen;153085
I was talking about the FIRST DRAFT for Ghostbusters, not Ghostbusters 3. Two completely different things. Ones an alternate take, ones a continuation.

Thats not much of a difference. But lets see, does that mean you'd be against Ghostbusters II first draft being released as a book? I'll be honest I can't see the difference being as both are none canon.

by PeterVenkmen

15 years, 7 months ago

Ah, now I get. Fine, to change my opinion, I wouldn't mind seeing it get made in a comic, I just don't see it happening.

Doctor Venkman;153086
Thus, it is odd that you would want to read a different draft of Ghostbusters, since one would assume you would make the same presumption about that draft (that he wasn't happy with it since it didn't get made).

Well I know for a fact that the first draft didn't get made because it would of gone way over the budgeting limit. Thus when Reitman came in, he made suggestions for script changes.

by doctorvenkman1

15 years, 7 months ago

Peter Venkmen;153088
Well I know for a fact that the first draft didn't get made because it would of gone way over the budgeting limit. Thus when Reitman came in, he made suggestions for script changes.

I understand that. Its a well publicized fact. Although the same can be said for Aykroyd's original Ghostbusters III script. It was going to be an enormous budget, and the studio was scared off by that coupled with the fact that Ghostbusters wasn't really in the limelight anymore.

by PeterVenkmen

15 years, 7 months ago

Budget was the same problem with Frank Millers RoboCop 2. Although it was also because it a lot of it would be “unfilmable”. I am glad that it was turned into a comic, but very happy the movie wasn't made that way. Oh well I guess, a GB3 based comic wouldn't be a bad idea, though I don't see it happening as a novel.